Chapter 31 ~ Coronation

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Here it is, the final chapter!
Thank you all for going through this journey with me.
Book 2 is out now!

Chapter 31: Coronation~

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Chapter 31: Coronation

The woman who stared back at me in the mirror with a frown made me uncomfortable.

The corset of the dress was skin tight and almost crushing but I hadn't complained as Zena tightened the laces until I was sure their imprint would be embedded in my skin.

For a moment, when I had closed my eyes, it had reminded me of when my father had dressed me for the men that paid to bed me. He'd always tighten my corset until I couldn't breathe, making sure my breasts were pushed as high as they could go to tantalise drunken men. And it had worked.

My hand skimmed over the deep purple satin skirts that shimmered under the lights. Purple, the colour of royalty.

This wasn't me. I felt uncomfortable in my own skin, like some stranger was in the mirrors reflection and not me. My hair was too short for Zena to do much with it, and I was glad of that.

"Stop squirming," Zena sighed as she pinned the hem.

"I can't help it, I hate this," I mumbled, rubbing my scarred arms. "Are you sure I can't wear a jacket over it?"

Dark eyes looked up at me and Zena pursed her lips. That was a no. I rolled my eyes. How would I be taken seriously as a Queen if the proof of my weakness was as clear as day in the marks all over my skin?

"They're a part of you, Shylah. A part of your past, a reminder of what you've overcome. Those that see them will know only that you've gone through hell, and won," Anna said from the bed.

I tried to smile and agree but that wasn't what I knew or believed. "I hate dresses, that's all. I can't fight or run, especially as you want to shove my poor feet in heels!"

Anna laughed, sitting up and Zena scoffed from where she was crouched.

"I've seen you in heels before. Your boots are heeled," Zena pointed out.

"That's totally different. They're an inch or two at most and thick. You want me to wear heels as thin as a pencil," I huffed. "This is all tedious. We're hanging about in this horrible fucking hell house while Airell is gods know where so we can play politics--ow!"

I glared down at Zena, sure that the pin stabbing my foot was entirely on purpose. She stood, lifting her chin with irritation in her eyes. "If you want to live a safe life, if you want others to be spared what happened to you and the fate of becoming one of the Fallen, then you need to take this seriously. Solidifying your position, and Atanas' position, is what's most important right now. Turning Airell's allies into our allies, getting his enemies to be our friends."

I swallowed at the scolding but what she said made sense. Slowly, I nodded, showing her I understood.

"You're right. I'm sorry. This is all new to me, it's difficult for me to get used to."

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