Chapter 21 ~ It's Like Vampire Macbeth

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Chapter 21: It's like Vampire Macbeth

Red tinged water dripped down pale skin, following the grooves that old scars had left. The white towel wrapped around me was also starting to turn a gruesome pink, even after I'd spent almost an hour scrubbing my body. My jaw tensed in an attempt to stop from gagging, my eyes flicked to the claw-foot bath as it gurgled the last of the water down. Bits of skin and hair lay at the bottom, clogging the drain, reminding me of what I'd done.

Turning my back to the bath, my reflection stared back at me in the mirror above the sink. Dark rings circled haunted and unblinking silver eyes. I couldn't look at myself either and instead turned my gaze to the clothes Airell had left out for me with wariness, as if even accepting them was betraying myself. But I had to accept them, because my old clothes were torn and soaked in blood and there was no way I'd defy Airell. He'd be oh so pleased if I came out the door in only a towel, an item that would be too easy to remove from my grip.

Drying off slowly, trying to delay having to face my maker for as long as possible, I kept the mirror behind me. I didn't know if I'd ever be able to bear the sight of myself again.

At least Airell had the decency to give me proper clothes. The jeans fit comfortably, and I cringed at that. He knew my body well enough to know what size clothing I wore and that disgusted me. My teeth ground together as I pulled the top on and I readied myself for stepping out into the bedroom. I needed to act docile, and as lost and weak as I'd seemed when Airell had finally decided I'd killed enough for one day. I didn't want to feel the strike of his fists, and I feared that Anna would suffer the same if I misbehaved.

My hand hesitated over the door handle, my heart skipping a beat as fear slithered it's way through the chinks in my armour. He was in a good mood, I reminded myself, and as long as I behaved, he'd remain that way.

The door swung open and I jumped back, eyes widening at the sight of Airell glaring down at me.

"You're taking too long," he hissed, irritation in his tone.

I hunched in on myself, my gaze dropping to the floor, "Sorry."

Cold fingers slid along my jaw to grip my chin and force my head back up. A slow smile stretched his lip, he'd always liked to hear me apologise. Gently he took me into his arms, guiding me into his room and towards a plush red couch. I sat carefully, folding my hands on my lap.

Airell sat beside me, his body turned to face me. His hand slid down to my thigh and I stiffened, suddenly unable to breathe. His very presence terrified me more than I cared to admit.

"Are you hungry, Little Bird? Shall I feed you?" He asked, his voice soft and melodic.

I'd fallen into the spell he weaved easily before but I was stronger now. I couldn't let him know that though and forced myself to look adoringly up into his eyes. I was more than hungry, I was starving, but I knew I couldn't accept his blood. It would only strengthen the power he held over me.

He knew very well how hungry I was so refusing him would raise suspicions. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Unfortunately, my body was betraying me. My fangs lowered to prick against my bottom lip as Airell slowly pushed up the sleeve of his shirt. I could practically see the pulse beating under his skin and my mouth watered.

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