Chapter 29 ~ The Grateful Dead

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Chapter 29: The Grateful Dead

I was more than happy to strip myself of blood soaked clothes that clung to my skin as it dried. A bruise was forming on my side, a startling black and blue against marble white flesh. Eventually I'd go a week without getting into a fight, I promised myself.

Atanas watched from behind me, his eyes meeting mine in the mirror. Things were strangely tense between us and I couldn't put my finger on exactly why. He said nothing as I changed clothes, but I could feel the burn of his gaze on every injury. This had been why he hadn't wanted me to go.

I looked away, focusing on trying not to cause myself to much pain as I carefully peeled of my jeans. The silence was almost as painful as moving.

"How many prisoners met their end tonight then?" I asked, standing in flimsy underwear, poking at the various bruises. 

His expression remained closed off and unwavering as he answered, "A few."

I tried not to give him an irritated look at his short answer. Whatever was up his ass, I hoped it fell out soon.

"And those that pledged their loyalty to you, do you trust them? Are they allowed to go free?"

He sighed, moving across the room to pour himself a drink of whatever amber liquid was in the crystal bottle.
I tugged on a clean top that was a little to snug. Even the touch of fabric against my aching body seemed to hurt.

"A few, I believe, will prove themselves truly loyal. Those that Airell threatened or beat into submission, more that don't really agree with his world domination plans. You'd be surprised by how many of our kind are more than happy living in the shadows," he said with a chuckle, a teasing smile aimed my way.

I smiled back, relaxing. Maybe I'd been imagining the tension between us. Perhaps he'd just been struggling watching me in pain. When he passed me a glass of my own, I happily inhaled the burning scent of expensive whisky. I closed my eyes, savouring the bitter flavour. Ah I'd missed drink. Oddly, I hadn't found myself craving one since we'd escaped my flat.

"But there's those that you don't trust? If you let them go, they'll run to Airell," I continued, taking another grateful sip of the liquid that burnt my throat.

"That's exactly what I'm counting on, Libertas Mea." Atanas smirked, clinking his glass against mine.

My lips twitched in amusement, "Bravo, my king."

He grinned, hooking his arm around my waist to tug me against his chest. My breathing hitched, reacting to be being pressed so close to my mate. Dark blue eyes considered me, taking the glass from my hand and placing it on the table. Strong fingers tangled in my hair, tugging so I was forced to look only at him. A thrill went through me, settling as a throbbing heat at my centre.

I was intrigued by his sudden change in mood. Sliding my hands up his chest, I shivered as his lips brushed over my jaw.

"What's got you all hot so suddenly?" I asked, not that I minded in the slightest.

"I like hearing you call me your king," he answered huskily, his tongue flicking out to sooth the sting fangs brought on my neck.

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