Chapter 14 ~ Rebels

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Chapter 14: Rebels

It was still bright outside, yet sleep escaped me. Every time I closed my eyes, my thoughts changed between the grotesque injuries Atanas had given to Mirdull, to the way Atanas' lips felt against mine.

My legs were tangled in the duvet from all my tossing and turning and that ache between my thighs refused to leave as I once again felt lost to the ghost of lips on my jaw.

Pressing my thighs together, I groaned in frustration. I didn't understand what the feeling was, I didn't understand why my body felt so hot nor why my fingers kept slipping down to press against my core.

I was embarrassed by my lack of knowledge of my own body.

Closing my eyes, I imagined his lips on mine again. Touch had always been something I struggled to get over, but there hadn't been the slightest tinge of fear when he'd caged me to the wall, only anticipation. Everything from the way his fingers had held my jaw, to the way his fangs had teased my lip brought a flood of heat.

My fingers trailed slowly down again, hesitating for a moment by my hip before I let instincts guide me.

He had been going to feed from me, his lips had hovered over my pulsepoint, his body had pressed harder against mine...

I gasped as my fingers pressed against my core, shocked by the bolt of pleasure that rocked through me. My head fell back against the pillows, my eyes staying closed as I thought about what could have happened if he hadn't run, if he'd given in and fed from me like I'd wanted him to. I was lost to the way my body reacted to my own touch, my breath coming faster, harsher. Moaning, not even aware of the noises that carried through the room, my fingers circled until something low in my belly tightened. My whole body shuddered and a shout of ecstasy left my lips as whatever had been building suddenly came crashing over me.

I lay panting and trembling on the bed, my eyes opening slowly only to see colours flash before them. Whatever that had been kept me from being able to even form a coherent thought.

A few moments later, I heard a low groan from down the hall that I knew instinctively had been Atanas. I froze, wondering what he could possibly be doing until I heard him growl my name.

Turning onto my side, I strained to hear more but everything fell silent again.

Still feeling from the explosion of pleasure, I sorted my duvet, cuddling under the heavy weight that brought some comfort. Closing my eyes, I took a chance that maybe he was listening to me as I had been him.

"Goodnight." I whispered.


I snorted at the black dress that hung over the back of the chair. Whoever had been lending me clothes had a sense of humour and I had the feeling it was Padraig.

"Nice try." I muttered, turning my back to it.

Picking up the clothes from yesterday, I found myself pausing and looking back at the dress. Was I brave enough to try and play temptress? Could I make myself believe the excuse that I was only even thinking about wearing the dress because it would be rude not to accept it?

"You've not worn a dress since it became legal for you not to..." I mumbled to myself.

"Then you should definitely wear the dress."

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