Lose You To Love Me

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(Read while listening to the song)

The next day I pulled up in front of the small diner where Leo and I decided to meet.

I parked my car near the parking meter for an hour, that should give me enough time to smooth things over with Leo. If not I'll just add more quarters later.

I entered the diner and sat in the back booth for two. I shook my leg nervously as I waited for him to arrive.

I checked my phone. He should be here in ten minutes, we planned to meet at 3:30 pm. It was now 3:20.

A small petite blond waitress in a blue apron approached the booth.

"Can I get you anything to drink dear?" She wore bright red lipstick and her name tag read Genie.

I smiled politely making eye contact.

"I'll have a coffee with 3 sugars and cream thanks"

She smiled writing down my order on her small notepad with a blue pen.

Once my coffee arrived, I took a big sip. It was lukewarm because of the cream that was placed in the coffee.

I took another calming sip to relax my anxiety.

At the sound of the bell above the door chiming, I looked up to see Leo entering on time. He was dressed in dark blue jeans and a red polo shirt. His dark hair was gel to perfection, in a style they called the quiff.

"Hey!" He greeted me sweetly after spotting me in the back. The diner was a bit empty; two seats at the counter were occupied by two fat truck drivers, and the first booth had an elderly couple enjoying what looked like a peach cobbler.

"Hi. You're right on time" I smiled back as I sense the mood getting awkward.

"You want anything?" I asked motioning my head to the waitress refilling the coffee of the two fat guys.

"Nah I'm good.."
He paused for a second then began again.

"- so um what did you want to talk about?"

I took a shaky deep breath getting to the point.
"Us? Great I think-"

"No. Let me go first please. "
I said cutting him off.

"Oh. Okay I'm all ears"

"Leo-" I started

"-I just don't think having a relationship is what we need right now. I think we'd be better be off as friends"

I paused taking a deep breath before continuing.

"When I first met you. You were this sweet guy, I was in love with you Leo. Nothing in this world would have changed my opinion of you but then-" I trailed off sighing deeply, staring intently at the ceiling.

"But then?" He urged leaning forward in his seat. Resting his hand on top of mine, he ran his thumb against my skin.

"But then you changed. You changed into this guy I've never seen Leo, our relationship was toxic and it was a crazy emotional roller coaster for me"

"But we can work on that Kay. I promise" he pleaded, squeezing my hand under his. I gently removed my hand from the table

"We are too different.." My voice raised suddenly startling myself and the people nearby us.

"Our relationship will always be toxic Leo," I said meeting his sad gaze.

"I can't be with you knowing how terrible our relationship was in high school and-"

"But Ken I thought we were passed that already? We discussed-"

"-and I know we did!" My hands started to move on their own, displaying my frustration.

"..the problem is Leo. Take the party, for example, I don't fit in with your lifestyle. It doesn't matter how much I tried-"

I paused taking his hand in mine this time. So much disappointment was written across his face. But I knew I hurt him, he was the most hurt I've ever seen him,

"-I just can't fit Leo I'm sorry. That perfect girl and the perfect romance isn't me. I'm not perfect, I'm soooo far from perfect "

I dragged out the so to emphasize how serious I was.

"Fine. I get it" he sighed leaning back in his seat.

I took a large drink of my coffee. It was cold now.

"I really am sorry Leo. I swear "

"It's okay I believe you" he chuckled, a small twinkle in his left baby blue eye assured me it was genuine.

"So is it him?" He said folding his arms on the table.


"The reason why you're here turning me down. Trent's his name right"

"Leo"  I  glared  playfully

"Ahh so it is! That lucky bastard" he laughed at my shocked expression

"You're crazy" I giggled looking down at my screen as a text came in.

Speak of the devil

"Is it him?" Leo asked trying to see my screen

The text reads 'let's grab dinner? You down'

"Yup it's him. Look at that giant grin on your face."

"I'm not grinning!"

"You so far. You're literally in love with that man and you don't even know it"

In love? Am I? Of course, I am

"You two should just get married and be done with it," Leo said taking a cup of water from our waitress.

"Thanks and I get some pancakes as well?"

"We have the breakfast special that comes with everything. It's the same price as a small stack of pancakes" Genie said

"Great! I'll take that. Thanks love"

I sighed replying back to his message
Sure I could eat 🥰

Marriage !? I never thought of it, well not while I'm awake anyway. Would Trent really marry me? Am I even wifey material?

"Hey, you still here?" Leo waved his hand in my line of sight breaking my train of thought.

"Yeah um I'm here. Actually, I have to go, I have a-a-a thing I need to prepare for" I quickly grabbed my bag and placed a $5 bill on the table.

"A-a- a thing? What kind of thing?" The waitress came with his food as I got to my feet.

"Hey don't worry about it. I got the bill" he handed me back the 5 reassuring me that we are genuinely on good terms now.

"You sure?" I put my money back in my purse, adjusting my bag strap.

"Yes, I'm sure. Go on your date I mean your thing!" He teased with a mouthful of bacon.

I laughed hugging him tightly

"Thank you for understanding"

"Of course. I love you" he smiled pinching my cheek

"I love you too"

I ran out of the diner and into my car to get ready for my date-er dinner with Trent.

I will post the next chapter tomorrow ( in a few hours) I want to get this book completed so the ending will be rushed *edited 6-1-22*

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