From the start

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Hi guys this was a rushed chapter. We didn't see anything from Kendyl's mom so far so here is a little something for you all.
Also Billie Holiday anyone.?!


When I got home, I was completely exhausted. I had ran to the nearest bus stop, which was a three hour ride. God, even by car every thing seemed faster.

I dropped my keys in the dish along with my shoes on the rack, by the the door.
"Mom?" I called out into the stillness of my house.

Soft jazz music played from the bedroom down the hall. As I got closer the music grew louder, my heart clenched as to what was playing. The sound of my mother's beautiful voice sung along softly.

"Failing in love again
Never wanted to
What am I to do?
Can't help it..."

I blinked back the slow tears that wet my cheek, I leaned against the door frame listening to the broken hearted woman.

This was a song I knew all too well. My mother and father met to this song during the 70's, at their high school dance. It was their song. It's was Billie Holiday's Falling in Love again.

My mother rarely listened to Billie, its too much painful memories for her childhood and failed marriage.

"Men flock around me
Like moths around a flame
So if their wings burn
I know I'm not to blame
Failing in love again..."

I sat by her door, knees pulled to my chest, listening to her melodic voice I haven't heard in a long time. Since I was 7.

Flashback 10 years ago
"I'm sick and tired of you always leaving and not coming back for two days Nathan!" I heard my mother hiss from downstairs. I sat at the top of the steps, legs between the railings, listening.

Tears ran down my mother's face as she paced back and forth, running her fingers through her dark brown hair.

I've never seen my mother this upset before, I was confused and it scared me.
"Alessandra please listen to me—"
"No Nathan! This is it. I'm done I can't do this anymore" My mother slide down the wall of the living room dropping her head in her knees.

My father sighed crouching down in front of her.
"Bebe. Por favor" My father took my mother's fingers delicately in his hands to kiss her small fingers, one by one.

She hummed rising her head up slowly, she wore red eyes and pouted lips.
"Nathan I love you..." my mother's voice trailed off into deep whispers and an intense make out session.

My legs swung back and forth watching my parents in fascinating. I clutched my favorite teddy bear; the pink care bear 'Cheer Bear', to my chest tightly, unconsciously chewing at its ear.

Three minutes went by and I decide to get up. I ran into Porter's room down the hall, opening the door and closing it quietly behind me.

"Porter" I whispered shaking his 9 year old frame.
"Mmm" he groaned rolling over, grabbing his comforter with him.
"Porter! I can't sleep" I called louder climbing up into his twin bed, shaking him again.
"Go back to sleep Kay" he groaned louder
"I can't. Mom and dad were fighting again" I whined hugging Cheer closer to my heart.

Porter sprung up, pulling the covers down to his knees for me to crawl in. I cuddled into his side, resting my head on his elbow.
"Are they still arguing?" He asked running his fingers through my curls
"No. They were kissing" I giggled nonchalantly sucking on my thumb
"I think they should be fine..."

Unexpectedly YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora