The King

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Today was going to be a good day. I just know it.

Melanie and Porter were waiting for me by my locker chatting, he stood leaned up against her as she giggled foolishly.

My brother was such a player, apparently he's in love with his girlfriend but flirting with Melanie.
"Hey sis" He said finally noticing me
"Don't Hey sis me. Isn't your girlfriend visiting soon?" I asked unlocking my locker.

Mel looked between the both of us, stepping out his arms.
"She is?" He nodded glaring at me, I shrugged.
"She's coming over this weekend" I said swapping out my books.
"Yeah but it's no big deal"
"Of course it's a big deal Porter. She your girlfriend—" she stressed shaking her head
"—I can't believe this" she walked into her class across the hall.

I sighed closing my locker.

Porter stood behind the locker door, furious.
"Why are such a bitch!"
"Excuse me?" I glared at him.
"You know I like her. Why are trying to ruin that!"
"She's my best friend Porter. You can't keep playing with her feelings. It's wrong!" I slammed my locker shut aggressively, catching some students attention.

"Fuck you. Now I see why Leo left you" he hissed

I flinched.
"How dare you!" I snapped
"No Kendyl. I'm tired of you complaining about him all the time. Don't you see why he left you? You're a nuisance"

I glared at him, tears blurring my vision.

"That's not true"
He scoffed, laughing pitifully.
"The hell its not!"
"Why are you saying this? What's wrong with you?"

A small crowd of students gathered around us.

I wish the floor would open up and swallow me whole.

My gut was telling me to run, something bad was bound to happen. But my feet won't comply.

I was frozen still.

"You're my problem. Always meddling in people's lives and can't even keep a boyfriend—"

"Ooohhh" some students laughed.

A few took out their phones, recording me. I was humiliated.
"Shut up!"
"—instead of solving your own troubles, you're worrying about mine!

For Christ's sake Kay! That shit about Celine and Trent? I didn't think you were such a skank"

More laughter filled my ears. Tears ran freely down my face, I quickly wiped them away.

"Don't Porter me. Get a man. Get a life and leave mine the hell alone!"

He stormed pass me, bumping my shoulder.

I followed him with my eyes, watching him disappear around the corner.
"Damn Kendyl. You fucking Trent too" A jock teased shoving my shoulder lightly.

"WHORE!" A cheerleader teased walking pass me.

The crowd dispersed leaving me alone in the hallway, wounded and broken.

Why must the world be so cruel? What have I done to the deserve this!

I groggily dragged my body to class on the second floor. The day just started and already its going horribly wrong.

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