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Hanami gazed out of the taxi in silence. Dusk had darkened the pink in the skies to a shade of purple. It was still cloudy and cold air clung to skin, leaving it chilled. The taxi passed through winding roads flanked by pavements on both side. Old cottages set aglow by lanterns brushed past steadily. There was little noise to disturb the peace.

Beside her, Arata was quiet. The moment they'd gotten into the taxi, he'd turned away, crossed his arms and closed his eyes. For a while her gaze drifted from the dark exteriors to the interiors of the taxi, flitting towards the salt and pepper haired driver, a set of fluffy cubes dangling by the rearview mirror, before eventually settling on Arata. Whenever a flash of light from streetlamps spilled inside, his profile softened. She noticed a beauty spot close to the corner of his mouth, something she was surprised, she hadn't noticed before.

But then, there were a lot of things she hadn't noticed before. The evening spent at Miyamas had shed light on those and now, contrary to her initial uneasiness about staying in a hotel, she was glad for the small room with a single awkward bed.

Arata Miyama was adopted. She'd known that much. The distant behaviour with Mr and Mrs Miyama was understandable. Yet she'd come to believe that beneath the layers of cool politeness and stern manners there was affection. They were his parents after all. One particular incident shattered that belief.

After dinner, they were seated at the table. She remembered him looking older than usual in the gray yukata. Beside him, coerced into a soft yellow one, she felt small, naive. In his gruff, curt tone, Mr Miyama mentioned about the family business faring well, thanks to the money that had spilled in after the fulfillment of the will. Then went on to call Arata, his "son". At that moment, Mrs Miyama raised her head. Her eyes turned towards Arata with what Hanami could clearly make out as resentment. The dark look came as a shock to Hanami. She glanced at Arata. He'd noticed but made no comment, showed nothing. The incident- her coldness​, his numbness-- hurt Hanami. Somehow, it seemed, she cared.

The taxi gave a slight bump. With a soft thud, his head came to rest on her shoulder. She felt the lush strands of hair brush her cheek, leaving them warm. When she shifted in discomfort, his eyes opened.

He straightened. "I'm sorry."

She gave him a assuring look, secretly hoping to lighten the mood. "... It's a good weather, no?"

He glanced outside. "Isn't bad."

For a while, all was silent. The cogs in her head turned. "We didn't have our share of coffee today,"she said.

He kept looking out. "You want coffee? Now?"

"Why not? We can walk around and look for a shop."

"Or,"he said. "we can order it at the hotel."

"This morning you said it didn't taste good."

He sighed. She waited for a follow-up, but when he said nothing more, slumped back in defeat.

The taxi took a turn.

Arata dropped a glance towards her then looked at the driver. "Please stop here."

Hanami smiled.

They got off at the unfamiliar quiet street. Aimless, the pair strolled down the block, gazing at the glow cast by old styled lanterns that hung at the doorways and windows. They came across a small shrine at the corner of a road with a single Jizo statue. Someone had placed some mochi before it. Hanami folded her hands together and bowed before the Jizo. Arata only watched.

It was a pleasant night. She had began to forget about the difficulties that had cropped up throughout the day, when a low growl coming from the bushes made her stop. She listened, dread curling in the pit of her stomach. Up ahead, a stray dog wagged its tail at them. Big, brown and roughened by the streets. Noticing her shuffle back, it trudged towards her, paw nails clicking on the pavement, tongue lapping the dirty muzzle, occasionally showing a flash of sharp teeth. Hanami stepped back. Her heart beat faster and faster until all she heard was her irregular breathing. When the dog drew close enough to sniff her, she darted and hid behind Arata, clutching his shirt, eyes pressed close.

"What's wrong?" She heard him ask in alarm. The dog sniffed at her ankle. Hanami held him tighter and pressed closer.


She felt his back move. The bit of fabric in her clutch slipped between her fingers. When she opened her eyes, she saw the man crouching. One handed rested on the dog's head, stroking it. She remained where she was and watched him with trepidation.

"It's just curious​." He said, patting the dog on its back. The dog responded with amiable nuzzle to his hand. Soon though, it realized that there was no food to be offered and scurried away.

Her breath returned.

"Afraid of dogs?"

Noting the curious expression on the man's face, she looked sheepish. "One chased me when I younger. I was five then. That dog was a big stray who kept growling at me whenever I passed by that particular road. Worse, my father made sure I went by there everyday. He wanted me to face my fear."

"Doesn't look like it worked."

Hanami shook her head, looking down at the toes of her shoes. "Forcing a child doesn't always work... He could've just come along with me. Just once, and told me it was fine. He didn't."

Feeling the man's gaze that now was fixed on her, she started walking ahead. She did not hear his footsteps for a while, then they approached, growing loud and clear. Arata fell in step with her.

"You're not very close to your father."

The brash comment took Hanami off guard.

"... Well, yes. But I can say the same about you and Mr Miyama. No?"

He kept looking into the distance making no effort to deny. "I suppose... Another thing common between us, mhm?"

The conversation had taken a gloomy turn again. Deciding to buoy up the mood, Hanami ventured, "Let's see what else."

She clasped her hand behind her back and took slow reverse steps. Arata decreased his pace as well, somewhat attentive, amused even.

"Have you eaten sweet potatoes roasted on dried leaves?"

He shook his head.

"Went bug catching?"

Again, a shake of head.

"Sneaked out of home? Did something wild?"

He shrugged with a smile. "Not really."

She raised a brow, unconvinced, and peered at him. "Fell in love?"

A cloud passed over his face. Instead of answering, he reached to catch her by the arm. Startled by the heated touch on her skin, she stilled. Hanami heard a car roll by. Arata watched it trail down the road, then let go.

"Be careful."

She flushed, lowering her head in apology.

"You know..."he said, turning back. "I tried my luck with a tuba once."

Her eyes turned wide. "Tuba? You?"

"It didn't go well."

"When was that?" She stepped by his side, curious.

"In school they had a club.I got curious."

"Tell me more about that..."

It was late when they returned to the hotel room. After a shower, Hanami stepped towards the bed and found him sleeping with a business magazine strewn on his face. She smiled and took it away, carefully placing it on the side table. Careful not to wake him, she slid under the covers, keeping to her side of the bed.

It rained again. Cold, she pulled the blanket up to her chin. There was yet another day to get past before they could go home- back to their quiet yet warm glass castle.


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