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Morning rain. Slow and ceaseless. The city wet and glistening. Washed pavements. Pools of muddy water. Children in raincoats and boots shuffling to school. Occasional splash in a puddle. A smell of exhaust. Liquid rainbow where a bit of petrol had somehow spilled and mixed with water. Arata took it all in at a glance. He slipped his hands inside his pocket and picked his way through the throng of bobbing umbrellas. A pointed end poked his cheek, almost pushing into his eyes. He slapped an irked glance to the guilty owner. Noticing it to be a woman though, his eyes softened. He continue shuffling along with the crowd.

As he wandered the narrow streets, memories returned to him. They weren't especially warm and he batted them away. One, however, remained persistent. That of wandering the alleys in search of tobacco. Mr.Miyama was fond of puffing at the pipe and somehow, despite the many servants, it fell to Arata to buy it for him when he ran out of it. It was the only time Mr.Miyama smiled. Arata peered up at the sky. Rain pelted his cotton shirt into a drenched mess. His eyes blurred with cold water. It was the last rain of the season. He returned to the hotel room.

Had it not been for the bungle with the reservation, he could have relaxed in his own space. But, out of habit, he'd booked a single room and there they were. Surprisingly, the woman did not mind. Or perhaps pretended not to. Both avoided any comment on the situation.

A regular soft breath filled the room. Hanami was still asleep. She had broken past the barrier of pillows between their respective sides and had taken over the entire bed. A leg jutted out from beneath rolls of blanket. He moved towards the bags left on the table to scout for dry clothing.

"Didn't take the umbrella?"

Arata started. She was awake, after all. He did not turn. "It's a good rain,"he said.

He heard shuffling. Then a soft thud of feet on the floor. "You'll get sick like that."

Arata found a white shirt, gave it a sniff and nodded to himself.

"You wear white a lot." came another comment. He turned. She was tying up her hair. Long arms stretched up, lowered to show a sleepy face. A lock of hair spilled on her cheek. Noting his gaze, she smiled. "Just an observation."

"You sleep too much, "he said. "Just an observation."

She stood and came over to him. Noting her bag lying on his left, she skirted past him. Light on feet. "It takes time for me to get used to new places. So I can't sleep well in hotels."

"You looked like you were having the time of your life though. All warm and comfy."

"What a keen observer."She dropped him a amused glance.

Arata returned the look and started towards the bathroom. When he stepped out, he found her sitting on the edge of the bed, gaze fixed at a distant point outside the window. She'd ordered a light breakfast. He stopped a few steps away. Her back was turned to him showing slim shoulders.

"You should've started without me. The coffee will go cold."

Hanami turned and glanced at the omelette as if she'd just noticed it. She took up her plate. He reached for his.She poked at a piece.

"You still haven't answered me. Why are we staying at a hotel? You have a home."

"I always stay at this hotel,"he replied. The coffee didn't taste as good.

"But why?"

"You eat like a sparrow."

She stared at him, unrelenting. He took another sip from his mug. "Just another observation."

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