We're Clear, Aren't we?

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The next morning Hanami woke up before the sun shifted to its perch in the sky. When she stepped out of her room, she found the house hushed. Passing by Arata's room, her ears picked up the soft sound of footfalls pacing across the floor. Soon they grew louder and the door swung open, catching her off guard. Arata Miyama stood at the doorway,one hand fumbling with the wrist of his long sleeved tee shirt. The color black clung to his chest and she realized he was quite lean.

"Morning." He gave her a glance."You're up early today."

She flushed, quick to pick up on the inherent gibe. "I'm used to starting the day early- when I haven't had a bumpy long ride the night before."Noting the somewhat amused expression on his face, Hanami dropped the subject. "Are you off to somewhere? It's dark outside, might rain."

"For a walk." He sidled past her into the hallway. "I have breakfast outside."

Hanami gave him a nod and followed the man out into the drawing room. Once he left, she switched on the morning news. Rain threatened Tokyo, said the news reporter shaking her head with a frown. Hanami brewed herself a cup of tea with extra ginger- she felt like it. Cup in hand she stood by the window staring at the vast expanse of gray. The glass felt cool against her palm. Outside a heavy nimbus loomed over the city and It poured. Water dripping from the heaven muffled the usual chaos and purged the filth off the roads, leaving them glistening.

Hanami hoped for a better weather the next day. Perhaps she should tie a teru-teru-bozu doll. She smiled at the thought.

Arata returned in a better mood compared to the brooding aura that always seemed to loom over him. With brisk motions the man rushed about, preparing for work. When she offered him a cup of tea, he declined and made a face as if to say, 'Get out of my way.' Hanami did not bother him again. She occupied the comfortable spot on the couch and kept her eyes locked on the news anchor.

The rain reduced its tempo. Passing by his room, she spotted him leaning over the bed, ironing a shirt. His brows furrowed in concentration, frowning at the stubborn wrinkles on the fabric. He did not notice that the iron wasn't plugged into the socket and Hanami made no attempts to tell him. She smirked and continued on her way to fetch a book.

"I'll be back by seven."he said, once he slipped on a dark brown coat. A black tie clung to his collar tied in a neat knot. He had good tastes, she noted.

"Good day."Hanami met his eyes and surprisingly found them latched on her. He didn't smile back and with a slight nod paced out of the apartment.


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