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Arata took his position behind the wheel, slipped in the key and revved up the engine. The rain had diminished to a fine drizzle that streaked the windshield with thin gray lines. He clutched the steering wheel and guided the car out of the parking lot, stopping once at 'Bon Cafè' and heading straight for the main road. On his way to office a persistent thought plagued him, bobbing up and down like waves. She seemed to have put it behind her but for him guilt kept weighing down on his mind. Hanami's pained expression at the table flashed before his eyes making him flinch.

He stopped at a red light. On his right, a car blared music- some modern hip hop song. A young man lilted his head to the beats, scratching his dyed orange hair. Arata felt his brow twitch in disapproval. His gaze trailed towards the left. Shops and small stores open to the public, waiting for customers to flock them and swipe their bank accounts empty. The light turned green and followed by many impatient salarymen and women, Arata led the car through the glistening streets of Tokyo.

Back in his office, Akane Fujita had already prepared a long list of events and meetings. He accepted the files slipped across his table without a word and dove into his work, keeping stray thoughts at bay. The day passed without incidence. In the evening, Arata found himself hurrying towards the parking lot. He got into his seat, flung his coat in the back and started the engine. Arata drove without making any stops. However, at a turn, when he noticed a mall, the man stepped out and with a determined expression entered a store.


True to his words, Arata Miyama returned home at seven. When she answered the door, he gave her a glance and entered. Hanami shook her head and shut the door.

That night, when she stepped out of her room for a glass of water, she came across a neat package placed on the floor. Curious, she inspected it with care and after finding a small tag with her name, peeled the wrapping. Inside a new phone lay padded in bubble wrap. Tucked beside was a paper note with a single word scribbled in blue pen: 'Sorry'

Her gaze trailed towards the bedroom on the far right. The door was open and light of a lamp seeped from beneath the space. She drew closer, stopping before the room with hesitation. Her hand lifted and gave a gentle knock. It took a few moments before she heard footsteps approaching. Arata swung the door open and stood staring at her through a pair of glasses. A glance over his shoulder showed a laptop gleaming on the table beside stacks of papers and files. The man cleared his throat, gaze flitting to the box held in her hands and back to her face.

"I'm not taking it back,"he said.

She shook her head. "You didn't have to do it. I would've gotten my phone repaired."

"It's alright,"he replied, not too keen on pursuing the conversation.

She felt a tinge of guilt. "How can I accept this? It looks expensive."

"Look, just take it. That way we're both clear." After some thought he added, "Please."

Hanami blinked in surprise."You don't have to say that. The note was enough. And to be honest, I may have overreacted." She sighed, "It did look bad, didn't it? What I cooked."

"Yes."he answered. When she looked up, a lingering smile fled from his lips and he stiffened. "And I-- well, shouldn't have done whatever I did."

She smiled. He still didn't understand.

"Now we're clear?"

"Suppose so." Arata sipped from the cup in his hand. His cheek was tugged up in the corner. Hanami realized he was smiling behind the rim. Leaving the man to his work, she turned away but after a few steps stopped.

"You know, you have a really bad handwriting."

To her surprise, he chuckled. The expression made him look younger, flamboyant even. "Spoken like a teacher."he said, giving her a small nod.

"Why, thank you. And good night, Mister-"she smiled. "Arata."

"Night, Hanami."


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