Chapter 13

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The next few days were like the first day of classes, a lecture and then a hands on activity. DADA was different, though, as they got to learn a lot of new spells. This day was no different.

"W-we will b-b-be l-learning the d-disarming s-spell. T-The i-incantation is e-expelliarmus. P-Practice with a p-partner." Quirrell stuttered.

"Draco." Hadrian said, and walked over to the corner of the room. "You go first." He told him. Draco nodded, and said the spell. Hadrian's wand didn't move, so Draco let him try next.

"Expelliarmus." Hadrian muttered. The spell hit him, and Draco went flying into Goyle who toppled over. "Oops." Hadrian smirked.

"Very good, Mr. Riddle." Quirrell whispered into his ear.

"Why thank you father." Hadrian replied.

"Geez Hadrian! Try to kill me next time, will you!" Draco exclaimed, walking back over.

"My apologies, Draco. I guess I put a bit too much into it." Hadrian apologized.

"You barely whispered it though." Draco pouted.

"I just have a lot of magic is all." He replied. Draco sighed, and went back to working on the spell.

"M-Mr. R-Riddle, I s-suggest t-that you do it n-nonverbally." Quirrell said as Draco got pushed back yet again.

"Thank you, professor. I will try that." Hadrian said. When he tried it, however, Draco got thrown back even farther, and almost broke a bone. Quirrell walked over, however it was Voldemort who spoke.

"It appears that you have too much magic for simple spells like this. Practice other spells in your freetime that require more strain. It should help with controlling how much magic you use." Hadrian nodded, and helped Draco with the spell.


Walking into his room, Hadrian immediately noticed that someone had been inside. Then, he saw a book on the dark arts on his bed, and he assumed it was his father who had come in. Hadrian picker up the book and looked inside.

A Beginners Guide to the Dark Arts it was called, and it explained how to do certain curses and what they were for. It also explained the history of the dark arts.

The Dark Arts were once used by every witch and wizard in history, before the Goblin Wars and before even Merlin's time. Magic then had no limitations and no separations, however a wizard's core greatly influenced which magic they used.

If a witch or wizard had a light core, Light Magic came easily to them, however they were unable to perform Dark Magic well. A witch or wizard with a dark core was able to perform Dark Magic exceptionally well, however using Light Magic hurt the User physically.

These two completely different cores had a balance, however. A magical being could be born with a grey core. This would leave them able to use all magic, light and dark. However, this was very rare and also came at a great expense. Beings with Grey cores had more magic than the common witch or wizard, and thus were unable to perform simple spells without making catastrophic damage. Spells such as the cutting curse, a light spell, would be powered up tenfold, leaving all surrounding area extremely damaged. This led to the notion that magical beings had to pick a side, light or dark, if they didn't want to be cursed by Magic. This curse was called the Curse of Destruction.

Going forward a few centuries, and the Ministry of Magic was established. It was formed to keep peace between all magical creatures and to regulate usage of powerful spells. Originally, the Ministry was uncorrupted, however that changed when Wulfric Dumbledore became the Minister of Magic. He banned all Dark Magic because of the one difference between Light and Dark Magic. Emotions and Intent.

The Dark Arts are powered by the emotions of the caster and the intent behind it. That was why the Unforgivables were banned. The Cruciatus Curse is fueled by the want to inflict pain upon another. The Killing Curse follows the same principals, as does the Imperious Curse.

When Wulfric Dumbledore banned the Dark Arts, he meant to restrict the usage of emotional magic, and with it, all Dark Magic. This caused an outrage within the community of magical creatures with a dark core, and all witches, wizards, and animals that had a dark core were considered evil.

Notice the bias in this decision. Because Dark Magic was fueled by emotions, they were more powerful, and thus considered dangerous and evil.

As you continue to read this, keep in mind that all Dark Magic is about intent and the emotions behind the spell. You will find that Dark Magic is more powerful than Light Magic as you continue studying the Dark Arts.


Alright, I'm gonna stop there. What I meant by writing my version of the history of the Dark Arts it to give you guys an understanding of what the Dark might feel. They were called evil because they were born with more power, so families with dark cores had to go through pain to make sure they weren't found by the Ministry. By going through pain, I mean having to perform light spells all the time and no dark ones. You may also ask, well why isn't Draco in pain right now? That's because most spells are neutral. Spells like the Patronus Charm are light. Thanks!

Amber Silverwood

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