Chapter 21

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The Chamber of Secrets was a rather dirty place. It was connected to the sewers, so lots of large pipelines went through the place. The main hall had lots of big statues of snakes, and at the end was a giant statue of what he assumed was Salazar Slytherin. The whole place was empty, so Hadrian was rather glad that he brought the diary with him. The Horcrux told him how to access the rest of the chamber, as Hadrian probably wouldn't have been able to by himself.

"~Salazar Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four.~" Hadrian said in front of the statue. The mouth slowly opened, letting loose the basilisk.

"~You are not the Master! Where is the Master?!~" It roared, preparing to strike as its eyes don't work on Parselmouths.

"~I am his son. I have just as much control over you as he does.~" Hadrian replied. It calmed down, and lowered its head to the ground.

"~What is your name, hatchling?~" It asked.

"~Hadrian Salazar Riddle. And yours?~" Hadrian replied.

"~Salazar called me Tylin.~" The basilisk said. Hadrian walked around the basilisk and stopped in front of the entrance.

"~What is inside here Tylin?~" He asked, looking it over for any traps.

"~That was the entrance to Salazar's private chambers, as well as his private library. He left everything in their for his hatchlings.~" Tylin replied, following Hadrian into the stone.

At first, it was pitch black and didn't seem to lead anywhere, however at the end of the tunnel it opened up into a large room, completely clean even after 50 years. It was a study, and had heating charms on the stone floor. A fireplace was on one wall, with two couches and an armchair facing it. The whole room was big enough so that Tylin could freely roam.

"~Salazar spent much of his time here, writing books in Parseltongue. You may read them, hatchling.~" Tylin said, lying in front of the fireplace. Hadrian walked over to the bookcases and pulled out one of them, eyes widening as he saw it was written in Parseltongue by Salazar Slytherin.

This particular book was on Parselmagic, something Hadrian had never heard of.

"~Tylin, what is Parselmagic?~" Hadrian asked.

"~It is magic that is reinforced by Parseltongue. Instead of saying a spell, you say what you intend to happen. Salazar would often shrink me so that he could carry me around the school. Though, it did take him a long time to master it.~" Tylin explained.

"~So if I were to shrink you, I would simply say 'shrink'?~" He asked. Tylin nodded.

"~Putting magic behind it too.~" He added. Hadrian opened the book and began reading, wanting to start immediately.

"~The little ones are walking around, hatchling.~" Tylin suddenly said. Hadrian snapped his head to the clock that was nearby, and saw that it was already morning.

Sighing, he put the book in his bag and walked to the entrance.

"~Is there a way to get to the Slytherin dorm from here?~" He asked. Tylin nodded, and slithered over to a portrait of Salazar Slytherin that was in the room next to the study.

"Who are you?" It asked, crossing its arms.

"My name is Hadrian Salazar Riddle, Tom Marvolo Riddle's son."

"Hm, and the proof of your lineage?" Salazar asked skeptically. Hadrian showed him his heir ring, and the portrait nodded, accepting it.

"Well, I have many hidden routes in the castle that you can use to get to places quicker, and this is one of them. You'll find the rest as Tylin begins to trust you more." He said, and let the portrait swing open. It revealed a long passage that had a wall at the end, seemingly a dead end.

"How will I find this in the dorm?" Hadrian asked.

"All of the routes are locked by blood, and hidden by appearing to be a part of the wall. My heirs can find these sections by looking for the engraved snake, much like what was on the bathroom sink, and walk straight through." Salazar explained. Hadrian nodded, and walked through the passage. At the end, he placed a hand in front of him and walked through, appearing in the common room behind a stone statue. Well hidden, but easily accessed.

Hadrian went back to his room and gathered his books, mulling over the events that had occurred.


This chapter was kind of short, but Hadrian has entered the Chamber of Secrets and has met Tylin and Salazar. I didn't want to give Tylin a name starting with S, because that was so stereotypical, so I decided on making one up. I also didn't make the basilisk a female, which I am glad for. A lot of people will make great beasts feminine when they are anything but, like in Naruto with Kurama(Kyuubi). It always aggravated me when the author would make Kurama female when it is obvious that he is male, Masashi Kishimoto even stating that Kurama is male. So ya, sorry if I disappointed anyone, but I am firm with my decision. Thanks!

Amber Silverwood

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