Chapter 36

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The next day found Hadrian eating breakfast with the Slytherins, idly chatting with his peers. Apparently, Draco's favorite Quidditch team had won a game against their rivals, Pansy's hair had frizzed up because of the Weasley twins, Theo's mom had entered her fifth marriage, and Blaise's dad had left to Romania for the Ministry. All very uninteresting.

This, however, was the price to pay for going to a school like this. Perhaps he should have gone to Durmstrang, or another school that taught dark magic?

Of course, his father would never stand for that.

By now, classes were going to start soon, so he walked with Draco to Ancient Runes, while the others went to Potions. Ash trailed behind him silently.

"Today, we'll be translating these runes into English using our current knowledge of them. This will be a big assignment and we will continue it for the next week." The teacher said as they all got settled. She then gave them all a three foot long piece of parchment, covered in runes. Hadrian immediately started, going through the runes and writing the translation on another piece of parchment. Ash corrected him when able.


With classes over, Hadrian went out to the forest and sat down with Ash, trying to relax in the dark. He closed his eyes and focused on the next form. That of a leopard.

He could feel the change happening and finally opened his eyes, noticing that things were much lighter than he expected. Shifting his weight, he experimentally moved around, feeling his new body. It wasn't much different from his wolf form, except that he wasn't covered in thick layers of fur. Moving was much easier because of that.

Hadrian ran off, jumping over roots and bushes with his 'night vision'. He suddenly stopped, Ash catching up to him and asking what was wrong.

"Someone is coming." He growled. He didn't know if Ash could understand him, but he hoped he did. Hadrian quietly padded over to a bush and knelt down, waiting for the person to pass by.

"I swear I saw him coming in here! He couldn't just disappear!" A boy yelled. The group passed by, revealing Weasley, Granger, and Longbottom.

"Ron, maybe you were just imagining things. It was probably just a magical creature playing tricks on you. We should get out of here." Granger said. Longbottom nodded with her.

"No! I saw him going here!" Weasley replied. Hadrian smirked, deciding to give them a little scare. He changed into his wolf form and stalked out from behind the bush, growling lowly. They slowly turned around, eyes wide as they stared at his monstrous form. For a second, they just stayed there, before Weasley finally screached like a banchee and ran off with his friends. Hadrian laughed at their stupidity.

He changed back to being human and turned to Hogwarts, starting the trek back to the castle.


"Today, I would like everyone to try the Patronus charm. Although many of you will not be able to do it, a simple try would be good." Lupin instructed. "As you all know, it is used to repel dementors by thinking of a happy thought, a powerful one. The stronger the memory is, the more corporeal it will be. The animal it becomes will be a reflection of your personality. Begin." Lupin said.

Hadrian went off with the Slytherins to a side of the room, preparing to practice. He first watched as other people tried, including Draco. On Draco's first try, he managed to get out a little sliver of light before falling to the ground on one knee, apparently hurt. A lot of other Slytherins ended up like this too. Perhaps it was because this was a light spell, and there cores were dark?

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