Christmas Special

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"Come oooooon Haaaadrian! Have a little Christmas spirit!"

"I said no."

"It's plenty warm downstairs!"

"S'not the same as bed." Came the muffled reply.

"Fine." For a moment, there was no movement, before Hadrian was suddenly grabbed from the bed and lifted into the arms of a warm body.

"Hey! Put me down!" Hadrian yelled, thrashing. A sigh was heard, and then a thud as Hadrian hit the ground hard. "I said put me down, not drop me." He muttered.

"You didn't exactly specify if you wanted to be placed on the ground like a pretty little princess."

"Shut up Ash!" Hadrian replied, blushing. Picking himself up, he walked behind the white haired man as he led them to the living room. Upon entering it, Hadrian saw that Ash had taken it upon himself to decorate the whole room with green and red lights, as well as putting a giant tree by the fireplace, covered in ornaments and lights, with an angel on the top as well.

"Merry Christmas, little snake." Ash whispered in his ear as he led the younger to a couch.

"What did you do to my house?" Hadrian whined, still tired from being woken up at four in the morning.

"I just added a bit of pizzaz to your bleak and dreary home. All of the shenanigans were taken care of by my assistants." Ash replied, running over to the tree and grabbing a small little box from underneath it. "For you, my little princess."

"Shut. Up." Hadrian growled, snatching the box from his hand.

Sighing, Hadrian opened the box and took out the jewel, turning the clear and glowing stone in his palm.

"This is-"

"Yes, a Limitless Stone. The only one of it's kind. I just barely managed to get it from the core of the world. That magma was not a very pleasant thing to swim in." Ash explained, cringing at the last bit. "Although it would usually only increase your magic, I added some charms to it, so that you'll always be safe, even when I'm not around. That's also a promise, that you'll always live as long as I serve as Death. Because if you die, I will never hesitate to return you." He finished seriously.

Hadrian sat quietly, turning the stone in his palm for a minute.

"... I don't have anything for you." He finally muttered. Ash let out a loud laugh, grinning in amusement.

"What I want from you, is something I could take whenever I want. But for now I just want you to promise me something." Ash replied.

"What is it?"

"Promise me that you won't give yourself to another. Not even a kiss."

"...Alright. I promise."


Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! I'm updating this late because I just got back from LA, where I don't have wifi, so I couldn't update on Christmas Day. Sorry for the delay!

Amber Silverwood

Hadrian Salazar Riddle - A Harry Potter FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now