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Chapter 24

The door closed and locked. There were two sets of footsteps coming up the stairs which Destiny though was odd but she started the bath anyways. The bathroom door opened and Shane was carrying the thinning, chicken skinned Haley.

"Take care of her." He whispered to Destiny kissing the top of her head before he walked out.

Denise walked in and stood in front of the shaking figure of Haley. She reached her hand out to touch her shoulder in a nurturing way but Haley still flinched.

"Dear, it's me. Denise. Your mothers friend. I came to your ninth birthday party. I'm here to help you...This is my daughter. Would you like to get in the bath?" Denise asked slowly in a small voice to keep from frightening Haley.

Haley slightly nodded tugging at the hem of her blood and dirt covered clothes.

"I'll help you undress and we'll get you in the bath." Denise explained as she started to lift the shirt over Haley's head as if it were a mother and a child.

Destiny offered her hand to the now naked Haley. She helped her step into the bath as she observed her body. Haley was grossly skinny and bruises covered much of the pale skin. As she finally stepped in Destiny turned the water off.

"Do you want anything yet? Or would you like to wait till after the bath?" Denise asked waiting for a reply.

Haley just shook her head which confused Denise but Destiny somehow understood.

"She doesn't talk mom. And if she did she would be in shock. Wait till after she's out. Maybe pull up notes on my IPad. She can type what she wants to say then. It's on my desk." She spoke with intellect as she was showing her mother that she was mature and could handle bigger problems then most at her age.

"I'm Destiny. Let's wet your hair and get you clean okay?" She almost whispered to Haley as she was down on her knees ready to assist bathing Haley.

Haley slightly nodded for the second time since she was rescued from that prison. Destiny took that as the okay to start getting the blood out of Haley's curly hair. She lightly massaged in her favorite strawberry shampoo into the wet hair and did the same with the conditioner after. Pouring a generous amount of her vanilla bean body wash into the sponge she placed it in Haley's hand.

"Can you hand me the brush mom? She has curly hair and it's all matted. We can only brush it out now with conditioner." She spoke and her mother beamed, proud of her for taking on the responsibility of bathing another person who wasn't a baby and really thinking about everything while doing so.

After the bath Haley took Shane's jacket and the yoga pants that Destiny had put out. They walked into Destiny's room and the IPad was already sitting in the middle of the bed with notes pulled up like Destiny had asked.

The three sat down as Denise handed the device to Haley and started to ask questions.

"Are you okay?"


"Do you remember me?"

'A little bit.'

"Do you know where you are?"


"Do you know how you got here?"

'Not really.'

"Do you need anything. Can we do anything for you?"

'I wanna go home.' With Xavier she thought.

"Where's home?"

'Colorado. White River.' Denise gasped quietly while Destiny's eyes widened but for different reasons.

Destiny though Haley was really far from home. Denise thought what if she knew or was in Alpha Daron's pack. Alpha Gunner though he was big and bad but everyone was more afraid of Xavier than Gunner, part of why Gunner wanted to take Haley.

"Who do you stay with?" Denise asked lightly knowing that Haley no longer had her mother or Jake who Haley thought was her father.

'Xavier. He's my mate. I want him.'

"Alpha Xavier Daron?"

Haley only nodded in reply as there was no need to type a reply. She wasn't completely sure about the Alpha part but knew his last name started with a D.

"Okay darling. We will try to contact him tomorrow. Is there anything else you need tonight before we go to sleep?" Denise asked looking at the clock that said one forty eight A.M.

Haley shook her head no again as the two stood up from the queen size bed.

"Okay get some sleep. No need to wake up in the morning at any time. The kids will be home around one in the afternoon and I should be here at three. The last to get home is my mate, Shane. I'll leave a note on the counter if we leave before your up and you need anything. Okay?" Denise explained the whole routine to Haley who nodded taking in the information.

The two left the room as Haley got under the sheets. She wished she was wrapped up in Xavier's arms. She knew soon she would be able to thanks to Denise and her family for taking care of her and possibly getting her home soon.

Not His Daughter Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora