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Chapter 22

Haley's mind continued to play a slideshow of pictures of her and Xavier as she was drifting off to sleep. Some things had already happened while other things didn't, but she wished they had. One was her sitting on Xavier's lap in his office while another was her facing him on his lap in their bed kissing. She had never been kissed, even by Xavier, or any guy for that matter, but it was as if she could feel his firm but smooth lips on hers and the arm that started to tightly wrap around her waist. It was warm and safe.

Until it wasn't.

His lips on hers were no longer warm and inviting but cold, rough, and cutting off her oxygen supply. His thick bulky arms were not safe but now crushing and digging into her bony sides.

The picture of Xavier in her mind started to become fuzzy or blurry and start to fade away as the pain became numbing and it all vanished into nothing but black.


Xavier was now on his way back. He stayed to have lunch with his mates grandparents, the Alpha, Beta, and their mates. It was silent as almost all the people were slightly intimidated by Xavier dark and muscled appearance but that didn't mater to him as it always happened no mater where he went.

In what little conversation was held the Alpha offered any of his assistant to Xavier who may possibly need or want it as the Moonstone pack was not very far from the Full moon pack that was ran by Alpha Gunner. Besides Haley was born here. Once family, always family. It was just the same for her mother Hadlee, she always had a place in the pack.

Xavier gave his thanks and appreciation to everyone there before and as he was leaving. It shocked the older Alpha as Xavier was always look at as if he was uncaring and ruthless, not thankful for anything, but it was about his mate. Mates change everything.

The drive seemed unbearably long as he just wanted to be home with his mate, his Haley. Xavier had over a fifteen hour drive left when he started to think about Haley. He wondered what she was doing at that moment in time. Maybe she was thinking about him. He also thought about being with her and got excited. He couldn't wait to have her wrapped up in his thick stump like arms, holding her as if she was the most delicate work of pottery, and cherishing her as if she was the most important ancient artifacts in his lineage.

A smile began to spread on his love intoxicated face as thoughts of his large hand exploring Haley's ink black curled strands as his lips caress her flushed cheek roaming down to meet her jaw and then to her neck. He imagined her straddling his lap and pulling him close as he preformed those actions. She would stroke the back of his neck as whimpers of pleasure coursed through her filling the room until she took his earlobe sweetly between her lips grazing her teeth over the doughy flap of tissue. She let it go and her warm breath washed over the side of his face and two words followed.

"Mark me." The sweet voice pleaded.

Xavier was pulled from though when he realized he was going well over one hundred miles per hour. A deep shaky breath was released and he shook his head to get rid of any other thoughts, but one.

Is that what her voice sounds like?

Xavier ignored all thoughts by turning on the radio. It's not that he had it off because he disliked it he just never had a lot of time to listen to it as he has more important things to take care of.


When Xavier finally got back into White River he was excited but tired. He had been awake for over forty hours but that did not stop him from speeding to the Devin's home at four o'clock in the morning. It almost encouraged him more as he was ready to fall asleep with his mate.

The streets were dark and empty as Xavier took all the turns to get to his mate. He thought he would have felt her more as they had been separated and now are coming closer but he ignored it and thought he was to enthusiastic to notice.

He pulled into the driveway cutting off the engine. He got out of the car hopping to smell the sweet but light smell of citrus and flowers but it seemed faded and not as strong as he expected. Walking up to the front door his fist flew rapidly against the solid wood door.

Steven came down the stairs to open the door. He didn't say anything as he opened the door enough for Xavier to walk in expecting him to go straight to his mate.

Which was exactly what he tried to do.

He nodded to Steven as he walked in the house and started up the staircase remembering where his mate slept. Into the hall Xavier expected to be flooded with Haley's familiar scent but was disappointed when it was only slight stronger than outside. He turned the handle to the door and lightly pushed open guessing Haley would be asleep.

And she was asleep.

Just not him her room like Xavier expected. As well as Steven, Bethany, Tyson, and Natalie who had no clue why they were getting woken up by a terrifying angry Xavier.

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