31: Gone

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I woke up with Blake snuggling in between my breast, laying in the same position as last night. The sky is still kind of dark, a little hue of blue and orange, I assume that it's almost dawn. It must've been the jet lag since we slept around five to six in the evening.
The room is still nicely lit up with a perfect amount of dimness, exposing the erotic love we made a few hours ago presented in the air.
I looked down at Blake, to see him peacefully sleeping on top of me, faint snorings and I could feel his stomach rising up and down against mine. I sighed happily and I run through my hands in his sexy bed hair which I earned a contented moan from him.

He shuffled on top of me, a bit of his weigh crush onto my lower body, causing me to involuntarily groan.

He numbly looks up and his eyes landed on me, smiling sheepishly at me. I smile while shaking my head and kissed his cheek, not wanting to kiss him on the lips, because you know, morning breathe. The flash of last night, the sexual things we did to each other, the image of Blake between my thighs... I blushed crimson which of course my husband noticed. 

"You're thinking about it, aren't you?" Blake smirked as he traced my collarbone down to my valley, sending me shivers running along my skin.

I nodded wordlessly as I enjoyed his touch. My hands automatically reach up to Blake's back, which I can feel lines popping out of his skin; I scratched him last night. I sat up, suddenly pushing his front to the bed, I sat on his soft bubbly butt and kissed the scratch marks. His breathing hitched and I smirked against his skin, continue to massage his tender skin with my lips and tongue.
It seems that Blake was tired of my teasing and flipped me over, my back landing on the bed and picked me up to straddle him.

"Round two?" He asked huskily.

We didn't only did round two.


Realizing that it's 11 AM when I woke up after Blake and I finished our love making. I turn my body, wanting to see Blake, but he wasn't there. His side of the bed feels cool, it shows that he must've got out of bed early. I sat up groaning at the soreness, at the area between my thighs and smiled thinking that it was amazing. 

I stood up carefully, wrapping myself with the soft bed sheets and walked towards the balcony. The weather is sunny today and I couldn't be anymore happier because I wanted to go to the beach. The waves seemed a bit strong, probably because of the storm last night, but the clear blue colour is still there. I felt a naked chest pressed along my back and gasped when he lightly kiss my bare shoulder. I turn my head to take a good look at him, but instead met with a peck. I giggled and pulled away. 

"Good morning, babe." I wrapped my shoulders around his neck, gazing at him with love-filled eyes. 

"Good morning indeed, Mrs Riley. Come, I got breakfast for you." He picked me up and I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist. I'll never get tired of him calling me that. He placed me on the soft cushion couch, and in front of me was filled with plates and plates of delicious-looking food. I dug in the food with no hesitation, I'm fucking hungry from all the exercise last night, you know what I mean. I fed Blake with some loco moco (Hawaiian local food) and he accepted it greedily. 

We finished our meals and we decided to head off to the beach that's located right in front of the hotel. I changed into my fishnet cardigan and a black sleeveless dress till mid thigh, along with blue sandals. Blake changed into a white t-shirt and floral trousers with black slippers. We both wore our sunglasses and stepped into the soft sand. I slipped my foots from the sandals and into the soft, beautiful and shiny sand. I sighed contently and tugged my toes deeper into the sand. Blake seems to have a different idea as he picked me up in bridal style and ran into the sand which is wet, nearing the water. I squealed loudly and Blake laughed out loud, attracting some attention from half naked tourists and locals. 

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