26: September 21st ( Part 1 )

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I flutter my eyes open and blink. The lights in my hospital room is dim but it still burns my eye. I looked around the room to find dad and Ash sleeping on the wide couch. Perks of having the VIP room. 

Beside me, Blake was holding my hand while his upper body is lying on my bed. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of him. I smiled when I am satisfied with my work. 

I looked at the date today and it's 5 AM, September 21st. My birthday. 

But also my mom's death anniversary. 

I carefully grab my hand out of Blake's grasps and sit up on my bed. I swing my legs off the bed and drag the pole connecting me and IV drips to the bathroom. I closed the door and looked myself in the mirror. My hair is almost fully gone by now, that's why I'm wearing a beanie. My collar bones and jaw lines is much more defined, but not in a good way, as well as my arms and legs. My grey eyes are a darker shade, almost pale greyish brown colour. My tan skin is now pale as well. I coughed and cleared my throat from letting the bile taste reach my tongue. 

Just a few more months and I will be gone, I thought. It's scary how I thought I could have a future until that day, when I find out I have cancer. It's scary how I can die anytime, only god knows when. I am so fucking scared of my life. My loved ones. My everything. I am so scared that I will leave them anytime soon and somehow afraid that they won't be there when I am gone. Is this what Mom feels like? Is this the reason why she leave us first? All this thinking is making my head hurt like a bitch, I turn the tap on and wash my face. I let out a sigh and a knock snapped me out of it. 

" Jade? " Blake's muffled voice called out to me through the door. 

I cleared my throat. " Yea, babe? " I asked. 

" You okay? " He asked. 

" Yea, I'm okay. Just doing my business. " I answered. " Oh.. Alright. " And then he's gone. 

I opened the door to see Blake lying on my bed casually with one of his arm under his head and another one above my pillows. He smiled at me and patted the space next to him. I obliged and carefully get on the bed. Making myself comfortable by shifting into a position which I'm fine with. His arm went under my head as a pillow and his other hand grab the blanket, tucking both of us in. I wrapped my arms around his waist while his hand went over my shoulder, bringing me closer and tighter to him, but I didn't mind. I nuzzle my head into his neck and breathed him in. His natural scent of peppermint makes my stiff body relax. He kiss my temple and I am slowly falling back to sleep. I can hear Blake say 'I love you' before the darkness consume my vision. 


My eyes were still closed, but I can briefly hear some mumbles in the background. I opened one of my eye and I closed it back again because of the damn sunlight. It's clearly morning since my room is brighter than usual. I find myself tangled in Blake's embrace, my legs was over his and his head was under my chin, pressing against my neck as I felt his soft snores under me. I lifted my head up to look around me, Asher and James were talking to each other. Dad was talking to Dr Anderson as usual. The boys were fooling around by playing arm wrestling except for Andy, he was using his phone.  

I let out a yawn and smiled against Blake's hair. I shake him to wake him up but he wouldn't budge. " Wake up, Blake.. " I whined. 

He groaned and shook his head against my neck, which made me giggle because it's ticklish. He nuzzle into my neck more and I need some help. 

" Asher? " I voiced out. 

" Yes, baby sister? " I rolled my eyes but still smiling. 

" Can you help me get him off me? " I asked with puppy dog eyes. He put his hand under his chin, rubbing his stubble and pretend to think. He opened his mouth and gave me his answer, made my smile turn into a pout. "How about a NO? " He smiled cheekily and went back talking to James, who is shaking his head at him.

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