Chapter Sixty Two

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Emmie Keyes

I continued to watch from my small light out into the world and could hear Tobias speak to me. “Everything I’ve done to get you here has been leading up to this one moment,” he said.

“You have seen what those people did to me,” he said. “Do you feel they need to be punished?”

“They were trying to save billions of lives,” I said.

“Yet my life was an acceptable risk?”

“I don’t know. But whatever you are planning it isn’t worth taking over all these people.”

“People?” he replied. “They aren’t people any more to me. They are vessels for my own power. Hands to do whatever I need. Yet they are not the people I really want to control. Let me show you the people who deserve my attention.”

The lights in front of me shifted to reveal ten windows of new light. “Take a look,” he said.

I looked through the portals and didn’t see anything I recognised. The inside of a jail cell, the padded wall of a mental institution, a derelict apartment, the dark corner of an alleyway. Whoever these people were, none of them were in good places.

“They are the people who did this to me,” said Tobias.

Tobias revealed an eleventh window and urged me to look through it. I focused my vision on it but could only see myself in the chair. It had to be the vision of someone in the room.

“Don’t hurt Rex!” I shouted.

He moved the vision around and I could see Rex and Rufus. I knew he couldn’t be controlling Jill or March which just left one person.


“That’s right Emmie,” said Tobias, hearing my every thought. “Your father. I doubt he told you he was one of the people who did this to me? I’ve been watching him a long time, as he has no doubt been watching me. It was nice of him to stay by my side this long.”

I was in shock. I couldn’t believe my father would hurt anyone. “You’re lying!” I said.

“I promised I would always tell you the truth. This is no lie. Your father was not there on the day you were born. That day he was with me. Operating on me. He felt my suffering was more important than your birth,” stated Tobias.

“He was trying to save the world. My life is more important than that!” I said back.

“Didn’t you ever wonder why he blamed himself for your mother’s death so much? It was because she was the last person to die from the 20 Day Siege. If he had used me to find a cure sooner then he would have saved her. Your mother died because he didn’t torture me enough.”

There were no words to describe what I was feeling. I didn’t know who to blame for my mother’s death. No one could blame Tobias for what he went through and yet my father should not have pushed him to such dark places.

“I can hear your thoughts Emmie,” said Tobias. “You are conflicted but I’m going to make your life simpler. The eleven people you can see in front of you were the ones who operated on me and made me what I am. They have all carried a large burden for what they did, none of them going onto live normal lives afterwards.”

He continued. “I’m going to show them a kindness that they did not show me. I’m going to end their suffering.”

“No!” I shouted.

One of the lights moved forward and I could see through the eyes of the man in the prison cell. He started banging on the bars shouting “Guards! Guards!”. The guards came rushing over and dragged the man out of his cell. “What happened to your eyes?” They asked.

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