Chapter Forty Four

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Vlad Givik

Two shadowy figures sat in a blue saloon car outside of Rex’s house. They had been watching him for weeks knowing that he would lead them to Emmie. Vlad and the tall man watched as Rex and Rufus hopped on a motorbike and rode away from his home. They followed behind making sure not to be seen.

One hundred miles away Tobias Zen said to himself “Time to check in.”

He sat back in the chair and placed a head set on. Around him were lines of computers and row upon row of turned out lights. He closed his eyes and two lights turned on from one of the computers. Two LED’s pulsed like a heartbeat, each one at a slightly different pace.

Vlad and the tall man’s eyes turned to orange as Tobias took over their bodies. They could still think for themselves but he was in control of them now. The transition was seamless and they continued to drive now under the control of Tobias.

“Hello boss,” replied Vlad, showing a small element of control. “You could have killed us you know.”

Tobias used his connection to tweak a nerve in Vlad’s brain. The pain was enough for him to get the message very quickly.

As Tobias sat in his chair he controlled the two of them separately. His thoughts were interpreted via one of the computers which separated them and gave Vlad and the tall man a separate set of tasks. To make things easier for him Tobias had left them with some self-control so they could do mundane tasks like driving for themselves but if he wanted to he could completely control their every action.

For the two twins who loved to be in control, this was an interesting trade off. They were immortal whilst under Tobias’ control but were less in control of their own life. It was a conflict that they talked about often when their thoughts were their own.

For now the arrangement served them well. Tobias had promised them that in a week’s time he wouldn’t need to take them over anymore but that he would keep the link alive. It would allow the twins to live forever. They would be invincible and free to control their own fate. It was something they both had dreamed of. Serving Tobias in the short term was a small price to pay for immortality.

Tobias watched through their eyes as they saw Rex and Rufus leave through the city boundary and head towards a large stone building. A military base? What business would they have there? he wondered.

Tobias ripped control from the tall man and stepped his foot on the brake pedal. The car stopped sharply and Rex disappeared in the distance. “What did you do that for?” asked Vlad. “We’ll never catch them now.”

Vlad heard a voice in his head. A thought that wasn’t his own. “Leave.”

“No! We have to stop them. I will kill them,” replied Vlad, unwilling to give up his prey. He looked over at his brother and saw that he was not in control. His head hung downwards as he waited his next instruction.

“Leave or I will make you leave,” stated Tobias in Vlad’s head. Vlad was powerless and not happy.

The tall man sat upwards again and fixed his gaze on the road ahead.

“No Brother!” shouted Vlad. He tried to grab his brother’s arms and stop him from turning around but Tobias amplified the pressure in his brain and took over his mind. He sat back in his seat and put his arms on his lap. Tobias had complete control of him now.


Rex T Jules

“Did you have to bring that?” asked Rex, as he pointed to the frying pan in Rufus’ hand.

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