Chapter Thirty Two

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Mr King

Mr King stared at his incoming bank balance, stunned. Every single penny he had lost on the TethTech shares was now back in his company account, with a tidy little profit on top.

His job and life were saved and the board would never know of his mistake but at the same time he had now allied himself with a man he hated. He knew only one man would have the resources and the guile to bail him out and that the cost of doing so would be a steep one.

After the new balance arrived Mr King received an email. The sender was anonymous but he knew who it would be.

 “I hope you enjoy your winnings Mr King.  All I ask in return is that one month from now you give me a meeting and hear me out. If you don’t like what I have to say then I will walk away and you can keep the money. Consider it the cost of our little business meeting. Until then. Your secret donor.”

Mr King had expected a threat or an urgent demand in return for the money but it seemed he had misjudged his industrialist rival. He knew there had to be a cost and that no one gives that kind of money away without one.

Attached to the email was a meeting request, which he accepted.

He knew it had to be Tobias Zen. It had been a long time since he had met with him and for £16 billion he was prepared to stomach a meeting with the man.

Mr King sat back in his chair and poured himself a Whiskey. He felt like he had just made a deal with the devil and that he had one month until he would lose his soul. Better make the most of it, he thought as he knocked back his drink.


Faye Galveston

Faye knew she had no choice. It was time to answer for her crimes. She hadn’t expected Emmie to find her, let alone to pull off something as horrible as interrogating her sister but whomever the man was that was with her; he seemed to be the one pulling the strings.

She stood outside in the expanse of farmland owned by the Tippet family and sighed. It was a nice dream, she thought. As the rain hit her face she walked out of the village and towards a train into the city.

Faye used her real ID to get the train. Emmie had already found her so there was no sense in hiding now, if she could find her then anyone could.


Emmie Keyes

Gabe banged on the door to Yuna’s room. “Emmie,” he shouted. “Get out here now!”

“It’ll be ok,” I said to Yuna, hoping she wouldn’t panic attack herself back into another Tether event.

As I opened the door Gabe grabbed me by my top and pulled me into the hallway, slamming the door behind me.

“Where the hell is she, Emmie?” he screamed. “We need to get the information and go. If Faye won’t come here, then we’ll just have to get Yuna to talk.”

“What is wrong with you?” I asked, batting his hand off me.  “She doesn’t know anything about this and you are only making things worse.”

“Don’t you talk to me like that,” Gabe picked me up from the floor and shook me violently. I didn’t understand how Grace could ever fall for this thug. He dropped me and my legs gave way sending me tumbling onto the floor.

I looked at his eyes expecting to see an orange hint but they remained a brown colour.

“Fine!” he shouted. “I’ll get the information out of her myself,” he pulled his gun from its holster and approached the door.

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