Chapter Fifty Two

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Grace Wilkerson

“We’re approaching the Houses of Parliament,” said Grace to Jill.

“Perfect,” she replied.

“Have you detected any more sound waves?”

“Nothing yet. Hopefully the next one will help us determine the source. Then we should be able to stop everything. The main sound wave is still going strong but doesn’t seem to be causing any deaths at the moment. It’s as if the goal is something else.”

“Any idea?”

“Control?” pondered Jill. “Whoever did this loves being in control. The sound wave is designed to take over people’s bodies. As for their end goal, I have no idea.”

“That makes two of us,” said Grace. She hung up.

Jill looked at the phone. “One day she’ll end a phone call by saying Goodbye to me.”

The Houses of Parliament entrance loomed up ahead. The Deck walked past hundreds of people hoping that they wouldn’t change. Knowing that someone could attack them at a moment’s notice.

Gabe kicked open the door and pointed his gun inside. “Everyone switch to non-lethal weaponry,” he motioned for them to follow him.

Grace walked behind Gabe covering him with her gun. The team moved as a single unit, breaching each room and checking the corners for people.

When they reached the large chamber that housed the sick they swept their guns around them. The blue light did nothing. Everyone here was human or at least as human as they could be. “This is horrible,” said Grace. “We can’t let this happen again.”

“We won’t,” replied Gabe.

Tobias watched them through a monitor. “How long will you chase me?” he said. “Time for me to chase back.”

The servers around Tobias flickered on and orange lights activated one by one. His body struggled as he attempted to control so many people at once. Fifty separate voices filled his head and he started to shake uncontrollably.

He thrashed his arms around and another man appeared from the shadows to hold him down. “You can’t do this without her. You have to stop,” said the man.

“Just lower the frequency!” shouted Tobias and the man obliged.

Tobias started to control his breathing again and twenty of the lights went out. “It’ll still be enough,” said Tobias. He still had the power of thirty people and that would allow him to test his new found power.

“Look!” shouted Grace as she saw the eyes of the crowd flicker to a dark orange. One by one they saw all fifty people get taken over and then saw lights flicker off and on as Tobias wrestled to control them all.

“What’s happening?” asked March. “This shouldn’t be possible. No one could sustain this many Tethers. It’s impossible.”

“I don’t care what is possible,” shouted Gabe. “Just aim your weapons.”

The ten members of The Deck did their best to cover the thirty opponents they now faced. With each person they covered with blue light another one would be left exposed and free to attack.

“We can’t cover them all!” shouted one of the team.

“Then run!” said Gabe. They dashed towards the door at the far end of the corridor but one of the orange eyed men jumped down and knocked Gabe to the floor. Another five people climbed over the railings and stood in-between The Deck and the door.

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