Chapter 4: Dwell Within

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After I said my reasoning, Cole kept pressuring me for more details.

What was he like?

Did you know him?

Is he my father?

"No, he isn't." I snapped.

"He is a friend of my family."

"Oh," she said. "What is your family like?"

Instead of answering her question, I changed the subject: "I am going to call the police station to see if they can give me some information about Aaron."

She gave me a weird look.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you honestly think police officers are going to give a kid classified information?"

I glared at her for a moment then closed my eyes.

Of course she is right, I thought.

"What do you want me to do?" I sighed in frustration.

"Relax, Sherlock." Cole advised.

"And besides, it's almost Christmas. Aren't you at least excited you get to spend the holidays?"

"With a spoiled foster family?" I snorted. "I don't think so."

Cole gave me a long look.

"Well, at least it's better than spending it alone."

"I wish I could spend it alone with my brother." I mumbled.

"You definitely have social problems." she stated as a matter of fact.

"And you sound like my therapist." I shot back.

She rolled her eyes then took me by the hand again.

"Let's see if we can change all that," she said.

"There's a frozen pond somewhere, we can do some ice skating."

I tried to back out of the idea, but her fingernails sank into my hand.

Just when we were about to move south, something caught my attention.

A young man strolled nonchalantly across the other side of the sidewalk.

He had dark hair, pasty skin and wears his casual white shirt, khaki pants, and sandals.

In an instant, I knew this guy: he was the police officer who arrested me that night.

Without a word, I stormed across the quiet street and ran up to him.

Cole followed even though she didn't know what was going on.

I tapped him on the shoulder, until I had gotten the man's attention.

As soon as he looked at me, his cheery brown eyes faded.

"Oh," he replied flatly. "It's the twin brother."

I gave him a smile.

"And you must be the clown my twin brother was talking about." I insisted, earning the man a dark look.

"You're very lucky that I am in a good mood," he snickered.

"Because I would have strangled you."

"Do that," I began carefully.

"And you would have ended up behind bars for child abuse."

The rookie glared at me, asking me what I want from him.

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