Chapter 18: Staying Alive

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"Where are you?" Marie shrieked. She kicked down the table that was covered in cash and continued searching. The cash spread across the floor like spilled milk.

I need to find another way around Marie without getting shot. I crawled to the nearest box then glanced at Rebecca. She was sitting uncomfortably on the bed and stared aimlessly at the ceiling.

Marie kicked and screamed at objects. Shots rang out like fireworks as bullets lodged inside the walls and pillars. A few minutes or so, Marie's gun will be out of bullets.

Luckily, I am about a few inches near Rebecca. As I was about to crawled to Rebecca's side, Marie pointed her gun at me. "Gotcha," she sneered. Just when she was about to shoot me, I grabbed my pepper spray then sprayed the liquid in her eyes.

"Aah!" she screamed. As Marie wiped the smelly liquid, I got up to my feet then slapped her hard across the face. The force knocked her down the ground, leaving her unconscious.

Placing the bottle in my pocket, I hurried to Rebecca's aid then freed her from the ropes. "Can we get out of here?" she cried. I gave her a deadpan glare. "You're welcome," I mumbled.

I grabbed Rebecca by the hand then scurried back to the hole until I smelled something faint. Rebecca looked at me like I was insane. "Why did we stop?" she demanded. "We need to go right now!"

"Why does this room smells like smoke?" I asked, ignoring Rebecca. The scent grew stronger as smoke came pouring out of nowhere. I turned to see fire covering the printing machines, like a wave.

I gasped as I saw the fire growing bigger and completely destroying the machines. We need to get out of here. "Come on," Rebecca screeched, grabbing my hand. "We need to leave. Now!"

I looked at the bodies lying on the floor and back to Rebecca. I let out a sigh then gazed into her eyes. "You need to leave," I whispered to her. "While I am going to get Bonnie and Clyde out of here."

She looked at me as if I was crazy. "You're going to die!" she cried, yanking my arm. "Please we need to go-" "Not without Marie and Michael," I interrupted. "Just go, okay?"

Much to my surprise, Rebecca wrapped her arms around me and gave me a heartwarming hug. "Please be careful," she whispered. I squeezed her back then smiled at her. "If I don't make it back," I sighed. "Please tell Mom, Seth, and Ben that I love them."

"Okay," Rebecca sniffed. She crawled out of the hole then scampered out of the bathroom. I covered my mouth with my sweater neck then raced over to Marie and Michael.

The smoke immediately covered the room, making it hard to see the escape hole. "Ugh," Marie groaned. "Get up," I roared. She got up to her feet then squinted at me. A loud explosion destroyed the printing machines.

Pieces of metal flew right past my head. I made her get Michael and together we searched for the exit.  As soon as I saw the exit, Marie tried to hit me with the hilt of the gun. In anger, I slapped her across the face.

"Come on, psycho!" I screamed through the wild flames. "We need to go, right now!" "Leave me alone," Marie roared. "I killed many people, destroyed my mother and father, and the only thing I wanted to do is die."

I smacked her again, but this time even harder. "Ouch!" Marie whined. "Why are you-" The ceiling collided on the ground. "Are you going to face these problems like a hero?" I screeched. "Or are you going to die a coward?"

Marie clutched Michael to her side, staring at my face. "I get it," I insisted. "I know you have problems, but get over it. Not everything revolves around you, Marie." She was about to answer me until another explosion rang inside of my eardrums.

"Get in that hole or I swear I will smack your face off," I threatened. Marie gave me a evil glare, dragged Michael, then stepped inside the hole. As soon as she went inside the hole, I trailed after her.

Smoke then poured inside my nose. I paused to cough out the smoke then tried to find a way out of here. The heating scent overwhelmed me, invading my lungs, my eyes, and my mouth.

I kept coughing, scurring out of the boys' bathroom and running out of the library. My exhausted face turned into a smile when my sneakers stepped on the green grass.

"Cole!" someone yelled. The boy had brown hair, green eyes, and wears a black coat, jeans, and sneakers. "Ben?" I cried. I tried to follow the voice, but my vision began to feel blurry.

"Cole!" the voice repeated, running towards me. "Are you okay?" I was about to answer until I collapsed on the ground. "Cole!" Ben screamed, touching my face. "Cole, stay with me, okay?"

"Ben," I wailed. "My head hurts." He squeezed my hand tight then kissed me on the cheek. All of a sudden, Ben's voice suddenly faded away. "Ben," I whispered. I could have sworn my eyes slowly closed.

I stopped gripping his hand. "Cole..." Ben screamed again. "Cole, please don't die..." The last thing that I remembered is being in a dark void, swimming like a curious fish.

When I woke up, I was lying in a hospital bed. Blinking, I let my eyes adjust to my surroundings. To my right, I saw Ben sleeping peacefully. He is sitting on a chair with his face pressing up against the wall.

As my vision started to get clear, I stared at the white tiles, the white walls, and the white curtains of my hospital bedroom. I recoiled as the scent of medicine and detergent curled up my nose.

"Ben," I murmured to my side. I used little strength to reach out my arm and pinched his leg. "Ouch," he mumbled as he woke up. But his eyes began to widened when he saw me. I wiped my eyes tirelessly then blinked at Ben.

"How are you doing, Sherlock?" I asked with a smile.

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