Chapter 2: Off to Princeton, I Go

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The flight to New Jersey was as difficult than I thought. Walking into a plane was like Neil Armstrong's first baby steps to the moon. Like he always say, That's one small step for a man, a one HUGE leap for mankind. Sometimes, I feel like my stomach is having panic attacks.

As soon as I got inside the plane, people were filling the compartments with suitcases. I pushed my suitcase into the compartment above me then closed its door. The flight to New Jersey will be in five minutes, the announcer said. I took my seat then stared at the window. The sky remained blue and the concrete floor was darker than night.

While I was staring at the window, I thought about Ben. Since the moment we have met, he lied about his name, lied about his accent, but most importantly, he only did this because he doesn't trust the world. I remembered his sarcastic comments about the contents of my closet.

Before we went on our separate ways to college, we decided to take a break from each other, but we resumed our relationship as friends. To Ben, he hated the long distance relationship as much as he hated us breaking up.

However, before we boarded the plane, I made him promise that he would Skype me every weekend and make Seth watch over Mom.

"Promise," he sighed, smoothing out his woolen coat. "Just don't do anything stupid."

"Same goes for you," I said in a taunting voice.

Ben walked towards me then pressed his lips against my forehead. After he was finished, he looked at me.

"I must be gone and live," Ben quoted. "Or stay and die."

My heart started to pound. "Shakespeare?" I guessed, ignoring my flustered heartbeats.

"Yeah," he answered.

"The flight to Boston will leave in two minutes." the announcer called.

He gave me a pat on the shoulder then boarded the airplane. The last thing I knew is that Ben waved goodbye before heading into the plane. Just then, someone took a seat besides me. Curious, I shoveled my head to look at the passenger. It was Jeff. His wavy blond hair had been shaved off, he wore black clothes that showed off his stupid muscles.

As soon as he looked at me, he gave me a wan smile.
"Hey Cole," Jeff greeted. "Miss me?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Weren't you supposed to be in prison?" I reminded. "You know, for aiding the Mr. and Ms. Blair for robbery?"

"Nice to meet you too," Jeff muttered.

"Where's your boy toy, Marcus?" I snapped.

"In Cuba," he answered. "Doing his fake ID business, how is the Dynamic Duo?"

I desperately wanted to taser this punk.

"Great," I said without enthusiasm.

"Why are you out of jail?"

"Good behavior in the military and the juvenile detention center," Jeff answered.

"Shouldn't you sit somewhere else?" I asked. "Because no offense, you smell like a garbage can."

Much to my surprise, he shook his head. He gave me a stupid grin that made all the girls faint back in Newton High. Unfortunately for Jeff, this girl isn't impressed.

"Sorry Cole," Jeff teased.

"But you're stuck with me until the plane has landed."

I was just about to retort until the plane took off without warning. I clutched the leather fabric of my armchair as the plane rustled until it soared into the air.

The flight attendant came every five minutes to fill the passengers orders. As the blond girl in a uniform came over to our side, the cart was filled with salty snacks.

Jeff took the bag of salty nuts from the cart, gave the flight attendant a flirty smile, then popped the nuts into his mouth. "What cha up to?" Jeff muffled. I ignored his question by taking my IPod from out of my bag then wedges the ear buds inside of my ear.

All of a sudden, he yanked out one of my ear buds then glared at me.

"What?" I hissed in frustration.

"How are things with The Expedition?" Jeff asked.

"I thought you didn't like us," I said crossly. "What makes you think I can forgive you for what you done?"

"I was stupid," he admitted. "I was reckless for putting everyone in harm's way."

"Like Tony Blair?" I guessed.

Tony Blair was a football jock who died by getting pushed down the steps, all thanks to his mother's crazy outbursts. He gave me an annoyed look then changed the subject.

"I heard the news about Kimberly," Jeff stated. "I still can't believe the father did it."

I reached into my left scalp then touched the circle that Mr. Clark made as he was trying to put a bullet in my head. The last I heard about the family, Mrs. Clark has been left off the hook, divorced her abusive husband, and lived with her rookie cop son, Jason. It has been awhile since I have ever talked to him.

"Me neither," I agreed.

"Are you two working on another case?" Jeff asked suddenly.

I looked at him for a moment. Why would a former Newton High jock like him talk to me? Not only am I trying to get over the fact that he robbed stores, but also I think he was involved in the Tony Blair case. I don't trust this guy.

"No," I answered sharply.

"Come on," he pressured. "Ever since you nerds have formed some detective agency, crime and corruption in San Francisco has dropped suspiciously."

"The cops made it happen," I shrugged. That was the half-truth. Because of The Expedition, we solved numerous cases with or without the police's help.

While Ben focuses on researching and forensics, I focused more on asking people what they saw, where they were, and why.

On most occasions, I solve mysteries on my own, the good and sometimes honest way, but sometimes Ben and I like to hack into people's devices and break into their homes for information.

Jeff shrugged his shoulders then munched on his nuts. I plugged my ear bud back into my ear then listened to some classical music.

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