Chapter 5: The Huge Frat Party

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In the middle of night after a long shower in the girls' bathroom, we got dressed in out party clothes. Madison wore a pink glittery tank top, skinny jeans, and pink pumps. Her golden hair was in curls and her face was perfectly decorated.

Me, however, didn't like wearing flashy clothes. Instead, I wore a diamond studded black tank top with a along with olive green coat, jeans, and combat boots. I put my taser flashlight and two bottles of pepper spray into my black leather knapsack.

I combed my ombre hair straight, applied small cat eyeliner and lip gloss, then placed a woolen black cap on my head. I took the choker necklace that Ben gave me then put it on.

I turned to see Madison, looking at me with disdain. "This is a Frat party," Madison said. "Not a prison." "It kinda is a prison," I said coldly. "What, with the loud morons hollering at you, I thought getting prepared would be a good thing."

"So, you think it is good to taser boys who wanted to be your future boyfriend?" Madison asked. "I'm not looking for a boy to slobber on," I snapped. "I am only coming with you, because I'm bored."

"Come on Party Pooper," Madison sighed. "A proper crowd will teach you how to have fun." She took my hand as we walked out of our dorm rooms then entered the elevator. On the corner of my right, two girls are there.

Like Madison, they were blonds wearing tight clothing and makeup. It was like living in the Barbie Dream House. Much to my surprise, both of the girls were heading to the same party that we were attending.

When we came outside, I was greeted by the cold nice breeze hovering over my shoulders. While Madison was gossiping with the girls, I was busy making sure that my taser flashlight was fully charged.

One of the girls looked at me with a smile then asked me where I was from. "San Francisco, California." I answered, studying my flashlight. She was about to ask me another question until she saw a blue spark coming out of the flashlight.

"Ignore her," Madison said nervously. I trailed after them until we stopped abruptly. I looked up and noticed a few Frat guys were drinking cups of soda then headed to their dorm.

I was starting to think that this was a bad idea of listening to Barbie 2.0. "Come on Cole," Madison hissed at me. Loud music and laughter was coming out of the boys' dorm building.

One of the girls' eyes darted over our shoulders. Three girls with designer clothing headed to the dorm building. With a drag of her hand, I was pulled by Madison then staggered up the door.

Just as we were about to enter, a huge African-American man barricaded the door. He wore a velvet black suit and shoes. He had a tattoo of a rose on his plump cheek. He carried  golden rings and chained necklaces.

He looked like a hip-hop rapper. The man reached out his hand then glared at us as if we were being punished. He wanted our invitations. As Madison handed him the slips of paper, he smiled then let us pass.

We flashed him a small smile before rushing inside. A tall awkward male with braces handed us drinks then invited us into the hallway, where people were happily mingling and drinking.

The Blonde Squad decided to ditch me to go hang out with their peers while I stood there, looking like a total loser. I dumped my drink into a nearby potted plant then tossed the red plastic cup into the garbage can.

That's when a Frat boy noticed me and decided to make a move. "Hey babe," he roared. I gave him a wan smile then nodded. "My name is Ace," he greeted. "Cole," I answered. "You look beautiful," he complimented. "And you look drunk," I retorted.

"See you around," Ace grumbled. I knew I screwed it up. maybe Madison was right, I am a Party Pooper tomboy. I wished  Ben was here, he would have laughed at my insulting comments on these sorts of situations.

All of a sudden, someone tapped on my shoulder. For an instant, I thought it was Ben, wearing usual 'bad boy' clothes, but when I turned around, it was another Frat boy.

He asked me if I had a boyfriend. "No," I answered. His shy grin increased into a smile. "Can I get you something to drink?" he asked. "Sure," I answered. While he was walking to the snack table, I watched as he got out two red plastic cups and filled them with beer.

Next, I saw him reaching into his pocket and dropped one small pill into a drink that was supposedly mine. Finally, he walked over to me then handed me the drugged drink.

"What's your name?" I asked in a flirtatious way. "Michael," he greeted. "Why-" I smiled at him for a moment before throwing the drink at his face. "What did you do that for, freak?" he shrieked. Everyone stopped partying then looked at us.

"Well, Michael." I whispered. "The next time you do that stunt to me or to any girl in particular, I will make you wet your pants." I dropped the cup on the ground then crushed it with my foot. "Ooh," the crowd snickered.

I stormed around Michael then searched for Madison. It was finally time for me to go back to my dorm room and forget this night had ever happened.

I wandered through the crowd, pushing past the college boys and girls. That's when I heard someone screaming. I pulled out my bottle of pepper spray then followed the noise.

The loud scream came from room 20. I kicked down the door and saw Madison, getting smacked around by a grown college boy wearing a leather black clothes and had facial hair that reminded me of the Wolverine.

The room was filled with red plastic cups and crumbled potato chips bags. The bed had a huge green stain on it and I didn't want to know what that sweaty odor came from.

I walked up to the man and tapped him politely on the shoulder. As he turned around, I sprayed him in the eyes then dazed him with the flashlight.

The man shrieked then collapsed beside the bed. I grabbed Madison's bruised arm then ran out of the building. The music stopped instantly when the man's outrageous cries filled the party with dread.

Someone cried that the party was over and that everyone needed to go home. "Let's go, Madison." I insisted, dragging her arm. She looked at me with terrified eyes before nodding very slowly.

"Okay," she said finally.

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