Chapter 20: The Final End

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Four more years later...

After Ben and I got married in London, we moved to Washington D.C. and began our lives as parents. Ben resumed his job as an F.B.I agent and a forensic expert while I retired as a detective and began my life as an accountant. I admitted my job was boring, but in order to get away from my mother's get-a-normal-job rants, I have to give it a shot.

After awhile, I gave birth to my daughter, who I fully named, Cleo Willow Hamilton. She was a lot like me and Ben: she hated skirts, dresses, and makeup. However, she relies heavily on her intelligence, bravery, and her talent of finding and exposing the truth.

"Ben," I sighed, getting the camera ready. "Where are you?" He came downstairs with a small beard and a handsome suit. "Sorry honey," he apologized sheepishly. "It's pretty hard fixing this stupid tie.

Putting the camera gently on the tripod, I adjusted his tie and kissed him on the lips. "There we go," I beamed. Ben marveled at the final touches that I made for the dinner. The fresh smell of seafood, potatoes, and salad curled my nose.

He was about to snag a potato until I smacked his hand. "After the picture is taken," I reminded. "Then, we will eat the birthday dinner." "Who's birthday is it?" Ben joked. I gave him a look. Just then, our nine-year old daughter, Cleo is taking her time to walk over to us. She wore a cute blue plaid dress and shoes.

Her brownish black hair was in curls. "Hello Daddy," she greeted. "Hey Birthday Girl," he greeted back, lifting her up. "You look so adorable." "Thank you Daddy," she said. "Hello Mommy." I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hello, my Baby Angel." She smiled then blinked her hazel eyes at me.

"When can we eat?" Cleo asked. "Soon," I said, sitting on the chair. "But right now, we have a memory to save." After starting the camera, we patiently waiting for it to take our picture. Cleo was sitting quietly on my lap, fiddling with her shoes. I kissed her on the forehead again then stared into the lens.

"Say cheese," Ben said. "Cheese!" Cleo sang. We cheered as the camera snapped a picture. After we devoured our dinner, Ben pulled out the chocolate birthday cake. Cleo jumped up and down in her seat. After we lit the candles, Ben and I sang Happy Birthday to Cleo.

Holding up the video camera, Cleo closed her eyes then blew out the candles. "What did you wish for?" I asked. "For us to be a family," Cleo answered. Ben kissed her on the forehead then whispered I love you in her ear. "I love you too, Daddy." Cleo said. "Even you, Mommy."

She got out of her chair then hugged me very tightly. I squeezed her back. "I love you Cleo," I beamed. "So much." After we eat the cake, we sat in the living room and watched Nancy Drew. Cleo sat on my lap then tickled my stomach. Smiling, I tickled her back.

"Momma," Cleo began. "Yes?" I asked politely. She let out a sigh then looked at me. "Will I ever be pretty like you?" she asked. I gave her a patronizing look then kissed her repeatedly on the cheek.

"I think you are already pretty, Cleo." I answered. "One day, you will find someone who will think the same way." I brushed away her curly locks then studied her curious face. "Am I really pretty?" she asked in confusion. I nodded very eagerly then rested my hand against her shoulder.

Just then, someone rang the doorbell. Ben hopped out of his couch and hurried to answer it. It was Seth, wearing a brooding tuxedo. "Uncle Seth!" Cleo beamed as she leaped out of my lap to hug him. Seth swooped her up then tickled her stomach. "How is my awesome niece doing?" Seth exclaimed.

"Awesome!" she answered. Seth ruffled her hair then lifted her down on the floor. "Hey," he greeted. "Have I missed the birthday party?" I shook my head as I gave my little brother-in-law a warm hug.

"No," I answered. "You are just in time." Seth smiled as he entered the house. "Whoa," he marveled. "I love what you did with the place." He whistled at the carmel colored floorboards, stared at the luscious black sofas, and the cream colored walls.

"Uncle Seth," Cleo said, grabbing his hands. "Come sit with me, we are watching Nancy Drew." "Okay, Cleo." Seth laughed. "Okay." He kissed her on the forehead then sat beside her on the couch.

Ben and I smiled as we joined them in the living room. We watched the movie until Cleo immediately fall asleep. I quietly carried her in my arms and carried her up to her room.

Like my old bedroom, every wall was covered in the shade of periwinkle blue: Her closet was full of mostly blue and purple clothes, the floor was in white carpet, even the bed had purple covering and blue pillows.

She slept peacefully as I took off her shoes and set her on the bed. As Cleo opened her eyes, she saw me as I tucked her under the blankets.

"Mommy," Cleo began, taking a book from her drawer then handed it to me. "Will you read me a story?" It was a huge white book about dragons. I scooted besides her then opened the book to chapter one.

"There once was a dragon," I read. "Who always closed her eyes when she flies." Cleo buried her head on the fabric of my black dress then stared at the page. "One day, the other dragons picked on her, calling her a scared crybaby who never had the courage to face her fears."

While I stroked Cleo's hair, I turned the page then swallowed hard. "But instead of listening to the taunts, the dragon still closed her eyes and flew like she has never touched the wind in her entire life."

"When the baby dragon asked her why she closed her eyes, the dragon looked at the baby and said this: "I rather feel my wings and ears dancing in the wind, then find out where I am going."

"Is it also because she is blind?" Cleo asked. I nodded very slowly. "Even though that is the case, she is also very brave." "Like you and Daddy, Mommy?" Cleo asked. "You could say that," I answered. "Good night, Cleo."

"Goodnight, Mommy." Cleo mumbled. I quietly turned off the lights then closed the door behind me.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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