Chapter 4: Madison's Invitation

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"I am starting to think that we are roommates," I sighed. Madison stared at me then back at her key card. "There is no way I am going to pair up with you." She hissed. Madison threw her bags on the floor then went back to the elevator.

Oh great, she is going to have a long talk with the Dean. That was pretty much like her. I threw my suitcase and bag on the bed then massaged my head.

The bedroom was a lot bigger than my old one. White appeared on every canvas, cold grey carpets were covering the floor, and there were two closets and beds on each side of the room.

Not wanting to stand there gaping, I started taking out my things out of my suitcase and made the right side of the room look less unbearable. I filled the closet with my clothes, covered my bed with luscious blue sheets, and decorated my newly empty desk.

I set my laptop in the center of the table, plopped a stack of my favorite Sherlock Holmes novels next to my bed, and placed my childhood pictures besides my laptop. I rummaged into my suitcase until I pulled out a long charger, attached the tip to the hole, then plugged the end into the wall.

For now, my toiletries and other items remained in the suitcase until I can use them later. After turning on my laptop, I logged onto Skype where I saw Ben in his room, sipping Sprite and doing his homework.

"Hey Sherlock," I beamed. Ben looked up into the screen then smiled. "Hey Irene," he greeted. "You got settled in?" "Yeah," I answered. "How are you doing?" "Pretty good," Ben said. "Can I see your room?" I asked. He lifted the laptop very carefully then showed me his bedroom.

His bed was perfectly made, his bookcase was filled with mystery novels, and his folded clothes was packed away neatly in his closet. Ben lowered the laptop on his bed then leaped onto the mattress. It shook vigorously, but didn't break.

"Do you have a roommate?" I asked. Ben nodded then pointed to the boy behind him. He has a sideways cap, a orange plaid shirt, and khaki pants. In his hand, he carried a can of diet soda. "Yo, man," the roommate said. "I'm going to ditch college fair and hang out with my buddies, you're not invited."

"Aww," Ben replied sarcastically. "That is so heartbreaking." His roommate snorted then left the room." "Meet my 'favorite' roommate, Jacob." he sighed. "Well, at least you don't have to pair up with Madison." "Wait," Ben began, staring at me in confusion. "Madison is in Princeton?"

"Yeah," I answered. "She's your roommate?" Ben asked. "Yeah," I repeated. "How the heck did she get into Princeton?" he said, scratching his head. "The only thing she focuses on is making people miserable." True, I thought. "My bet is on the parents," he mumbled.

It was also true that Madison's ruthless parents are world famous lawyers, but I don't think that they would actually pull strings for their horrid daughter to come here and experience college. "Anyway," Ben said. "How was the flight?" "I met Jeff on the plane," I snorted. "That idiot is out of jail?" Ben sighed. "Ugh, the last thing we need is another villain to deal with."

"Is there any murder coming on your end?" I asked. "No," Ben answered. "Same with you?" I shook my head. "I can't believe I am saying this," I said. "But have you heard recent news about the decline-" "Of crime and corruption?" Ben guessed. "Yeah, the police chief and the reporters wouldn't shut up about it."

I removed my coat then set it besides me. "But surprisingly," Ben added. "I think the reporters are starting to get suspicious." "That The Expedition solved most of the cases and don't get any credit?" I guessed. "The police chief was practically bragging that his team solved the cases and put the monsters behind bars."

"What made the reporters get suspicious?" I asked. "They have eye witnesses of me throwing a bomb in the manhole," Ben explained. "There was Mr. Hilton sending us checks for finding the murder and the best part was you knocking out the cop with a taser."

I smiled at that moment. "They wanted to know who The Expedition are," Ben said finally. "In person." "And most of the cops don't want us kids to ruin their spotlight." I sighed. "What-" I heard someone slipping a key card into the slot. "I have to go," I insisted. "When I have time, I'll call you okay?"

Ben gave me a thumbs up then signed out of his computer. Madison came bursting into the room with her face looking like the color of a cherry. "How was the Dean?" I asked nonchalantly. "Shut up," she barked. "I just can't believe that old snake would do this to me."

"It's called life," I said, rolling my eyes. "Get used to it." Madison stuck her tongue at me then started unpacking. Five minutes later, she collapsed in her bed and curled under the covers. Holy Moly, escaped from my throat.

Madison placed her things very quickly. Her side of the room reminded me of a pink planet. Pink clothes hung perfectly in the closet, pink rug laid on the floor, pink makeup, and a big jewelry box filled with pink accessories.

After a short nap, she woke up instantly then grabbed her heels and handbag. "I'm going to the college fair," Madison shrugged. "If you want, you can come along." And spend an entire day with her? "No thank you," I said politely, picking up a book from my stack.

"I have to catch up on reading." "Whatever," she snorted. Madison applied lip gloss then slammed the door behind her. As I stared at the second page of the Scandal in Belgravia, none of the words sunk in my head.

I put the book back on top of the books then rummaged the suitcase for Veronica Mars. As soon as I jumped back on the bed, the door immediately flew open.

It was Madison, looking very excited. "What?" I asked. "Pack your things," she beamed. "We are going to a Frat party." "What, why?" I asked. Madison threw her handbag on the bed then smiled at me.

"I got the invitations," she sang. "And a recommendation from this guy I met in the elevator." "You have just gotten invites from this guy you just met in the elevator?"

"I know!" Madison squealed. "Plus, he wants me to bring a friend to the party, so I am inviting you." "Are you kidding?" I demanded. "There is no way, I am going to a party surrounded by drunken idiots."

"It will be fun," she persisted. "Instead of reading creepy books all day." "They're not creepy." I say defensively. "Whatever," she said. "Please say yes." "Heck no," I said. She gave me a puppy dog eyes. After awhile, I have decided to give in and say yes.

"Yay!" Madison said, bouncing up and down. It would be nice to do something fun, and besides what can go wrong?

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