Chapter 19: Confession

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On a Monday afternoon, I noticed Julie was getting her pocket mirror from her locker. Not surprisingly, she wore a glittery blouse, skinny black pants, and heels. I closed my locker then walked over to her. Julie looked at me then back to her mirror. Sighing, I slammed her locker to get her attention.

Julie stuffed the mirror into her pocket then glared at me. "Geez," she cried. "Sorry for wasting your time." "I know that you and Amy didn't get invited to Jason's friend's birthday party." Julie gave me a look then went back to her mirror. "It was a long time ago," she sighed. "So, what?"

"So," I began. "Would the principal mind if I tell them that you broke into the school to party in the boiler room?" Julie paused then glimpsed at me, but this time she was scared. "What do you want?" Julie demanded. "I want you to tell me why you bought Kim that voodoo doll," I explained. "And I wanted to know if you had something to do with Kim's murder."

Julie flicked a strand of blond hair then confessed: "Yes, I gave her the doll, but that was only to scare her." "Why-" I began. "Because I was jealous, happy?" Julie interrupted. "Also, she didn't came up with the Hate List, I did." I stared at her in amazement. She later explained that Kim and her were once best friends, until Kim dated her boyfriend, and now they went on their separate ways.

"What did you and Amy talk about with Kim?" I asked. Julie thought about for a moment then placed the mirror back into her pocket. "Amy and I wanted to prank Kim," she said. "With what?" I snickered. "A bucket of pig's blood?"  She gave me a deadpan look then continued her story. "We got this idea that we should scare her beyond straight with an old Frankenstein costume."

"I bought the outfit while Amy paid someone to keep quiet about this. We called Kimberly and tell her that we have a surprise in the boiler room then waited after school to do the magic. But later, I got bored then left the building while Amy took over. It was a win-win situation."

I nodded slowly then walked away. "Hey," Julie began nervously. "Are you going to tell the principal?" Instead of answering her question, I asked her where Amy is. "She's in the girls' bathroom," Julie stated. "Good luck, you'll need it." I headed down the hallway until I found the girls' bathroom a few inches across from the boys'. I opened the door and found Amy, applying eyeliner in the mirror.

Calmly, I stepped inside the bathroom and patiently waited for her to finish grooming herself. When Amy looked at me, she rolled her eyes. "Shouldn't you be squealing on someone else?" she asked. "I am," I said. "You are." She stopped from what she was doing then stared at me. "Excuse me-" "Can it, Selena Gomez." I interrupted. "What were you doing in the boiler room after Julie bailed?"

Amy blinked at me for a couple of times. "How did you know about that?" she hissed. "A pretty stupid birdie told me," I answered bluntly. "Now, answer my question." "Or what?" Amy sneered. "You are going to tell on me?" "Actually," I sighed. "I thought about showing the footage to the principal, but then I thought, maybe I should expose your eight grade yearbook photos to the entire school."

Amy's triumphant face turned pale. "You are such a snitch," she muttered. "Just wait until I-" I took out the phone from my pocket then waved it at her. "Luke is so awesome," I taunted. "You know that, right? So, if I ask him if he could send me the eighth grade photos from the class of 2013, he will be more than happy to do that."

"Fine," Amy cried. "I'll tell you." I placed the phone into my pocket then crossed my arms. "After Julie bailed on me, I waited all night for that freak to show up." "Did she came?" I asked. "Yeah," Amy  said. "For some reason, she looked like she was about to wet her pants."

"I came up behind her and was about to make my move until her father showed up." I gave her a confused look. "Her father showed up in the boiler room?" I asked in wonder. "Don't look surprise, Veronica Mars." Amy snapped. "I didn't know what to do, so I ran out of the room." "You could have called the police," I insisted. She crossed her arms then peered at me.

"That's for the tip, Captain Narc." Amy taunted. "Now, get out." "As your command, Your Majesty." I shot back, closing the door behind me. As I tried to find my History class, my thoughts wavered on Mrs. Clark, who was desperate to find the monster who killed her daughter.

Since I now know the monster turns out to be the father, I have to go and warn Mrs. Clark before it was too late. I searched for Luke everywhere at school, but apparently,
he had the measles and was staying in bed.

Sighing, I made it to  History class, only to find Mr. Aston writing something on the chalkboard. He looked at me then nudged at the direction of my seat. For now, he let my tardiness slide.

I took my seat then brought out my notebook and two sharpened pencils. Just as Mr. Aston was getting started to explain about the Roaring Twenties, the bell interrupted sending the class in a major frenzy.

While most kids stayed at school to focus on their sports, others like me left their seats in order to get their stuff from their lockers. After getting my books, I left school and hurried to do my chores then focused on the whereabouts of Kimberly's house.

"Cole," a familiar voice called. I turned around and saw Mr. Clark, sitting in his car. His expression was confused. "Hello sir," I said weakly. "Hello," he greeted. "Where are you heading to?"

"I was just heading home," I answered. I took two steps before Mr. Clark accelerated forward. "I was just about heading to your house to discuss about what you have found on my daughter's death." Mr. Clark said.

I suddenly froze. "Is there a problem?" he asked. I gave him a polite smile then answered no. "Okay then," Mr. Clark said. "So, your house is just straight down?" "To the left," I answered.

He gave me a smile then drove his car into my driveway. With the father out if the way, I texted Luke, telling him to call the police. When the message was sent, I typed the entire story and pressed SEND.

Sighing, I headed to the house and closed the door behind me.

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