Chapter 3: Getting the Facts

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I twisted the noodles with a fork then shuddered the taste. It seems like my mother put way too much shredded cheese. Every minute, Mom looked up at me to see how I was feeling.

But judging by the way I tossed and turned my spaghetti made her feel squeasy inside. "Is everything okay?" Mom asked in a worried voice. I nodded then sipped my water.

"Just thinking about Princeton," I said weakly. "That's all." "I think you should go to the prom," Mom said. "I think it will do you and Luke some good." I bobbed my head then pushed the pasta aside with my fork.

"How's Grandpa and Grandma doing?" I asked suddenly. "Why do you miss them all of a sudden?" Mom asked. Her reaction to my question was very angry. Maybe it was the part that they bribed Ellen and harassed her on the phone.

As soon as they were in jail, Mom made a vow to never speak with them ever again. "I just want to see how they are-" I began. "I don't want you to talk to them ever again," she snarled.

"Those monsters are ten times worse than your father." I stared at her in disbelief. "Yes, they bribed Ellen," I explained. "But maybe it was because that Stacy wouldn't end up like us."

Wiping the tomato sauce from her lips, Mom took the plate of her unfinished spaghetti then tossed it in the trash. I ate my dinner in silence.

After I was finished, I wash the dirty dish then set it in the dishwasher. Mom appeared out of nowhere then started hugging me tightly. "Cole," she said. "You are going to that prom."

"I am not going," I insisted. "I have tons of homework to do-" "Your teachers have been saying that you are a hardworking student," Mom interrupted. "But you lack social skills and not joining after school activities."

"I tried out for the dance team," I explained. "But you quit after that serial bomber shot himself." Mom retorted. "Mom!" I whined. "I want to study for Princeton rather than listen to loud music, talking to idiots, and even wear stupid dresses."

Mom gave me an annoyed look. "At least let me think about it," I pleaded. Mom thought about it for a moment then smiled. "Alright," she replied. I kissed Mom on the cheek then hurried upstairs.

As soon as I sat down on my bed, I phoned Luke. "Hey gorgeous," Luke called. "How are you doing?" "Good," I answered. "You know about that cop, Jason right?"

"Yeah, what about him?" he asked. "Did you know about the-" "Pink phone charm," Luke sighed. "He told me." "Before or after you closed the door on him?" I asked. "Before," Luke answered. "How come?"

"I think the rookie cop thinks that Madison killed Kimberly," I said. "You should have seen the look at his face when I mentioned Madison's name."

"Should we write her name down as a suspect?" Luke asked. "I don't think so," I suggested. "We do not want Madison to think that we're onto her."

"What should we do?" Luke asked. I thought about it for a minute. "I can't believe I am saying this," I groaned. "But I have to be...Madison's friend." Silence was on the other end.

"You're serious?" Luke asked. "I hate this idea as much as you do," I said. "But the only way to find Kimberly is to become Madison's friend just until something comes up."

"I have dated that brat for almost two months," Luke sighed. "She isn't dumber than you think." "What?" I cried. "She can smell a lie from a mile away," Luke added. "Well that's great," I said sarcastically. "What do liars smell like?"

"Cheap perfume," Luke stated. I sighed heavily then collapsed on my bed. "Are you sure you want to do this?" "I have to," I said. "Meanwhile, can you run some tests on the pink phone charm?"

"Will do," he answered. "Later-" "Hold on," I said. "I have someone on the other line." I switched to the unknown caller then swept my bangs. "Hey Cole," said a familiar voice. "How are things doing?" I rose up from my bed.

"Seth?" I cried. "How did you get this number-" "Can you and Luke pick me up from the police station?" Seth interrupted. "Please?" I stifled a groan. "Fine, but make sure you stay where you are."

"Thank you," Seth exclaimed immediately. "What's wrong?" Luke asked. "Seth's in the police station," I sighed. "What?" he cried. "That idiot is going to get it." "Let's just pick him up from the station," I said. "And then, we kill him."

"Got it," he responded. As soon as I hung up the phone, I grabbed my car keys and hustled out of the house. After I hopped into the car, Luke was sitting besides me.

Turning the ignition, I backed out of the driveway then headed to the police station. "How did Seth even got arrested?" I thought to myself aloud. Luke shrugged then stared at the road.

As soon as we arrived at the station, we jumped out of the car. I locked the doors and windows then entered into the police station. We spent almost an hour, trying to find Seth until we saw him in the interrogation room.

His eyes widened when we saw him. "Hey, lawyers!" Seth greeted. "What?" we both said in unsion. He walked up to us then hugged us tightly. "Just pretend you are my lawyers," he whispered.

"Seth," Luke began. "What did you do?" "This kid was caught vandalizing someone's property. " The policewoman arrived in the interrogation room, looking tired.

"We tried to arrest him, but he keeps telling us that he has professional lawyers." We both glared at Seth, who gave us a nervous smile. "I am very sorry that my client has done something very foolish and retarded." Luke said, looking at Seth.

"But can you please explain to us what happen, in your own words?" "I was outside, playing with Josh's cat," Seth explained. "But on accident, I spilled some grape juice on the wall. I tried scrubbing with water, but the juice won't go away."

"So, I grabbed a can of paint and covered the wall." My eyes widened. "You sprayed painted the window?" I shrieked. "Hey, I am only fifteen." Seth said defensively. "And stupid," Luke hissed.

We looked at the cop, who was calling someone on the phone. When she was finished speaking, she looked at us for a moment then sighed.

"Well," the policewoman began. "Luckily, the parents are not pressing any charges against the Seth." "What about the damage?" I asked. "Seth is going to scrub the graffiti until they are satisfied."

"You guys are free to go." Seth jumped up and down then hugged Luke and me very tightly. "Hasta La Vista, suckers!" Seth cried, leaving the interrogation room.

The policewoman looked at us. "He's always like this." Luke explained with a sigh.

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