Chapter 7: The Principal's Office

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Grabbing my sweater, pepper spray, and tazer flashlight, I hurried downstairs, slipped into my sandals then walked out of the house.

Mom was probably in her room, trying to drown her sorrows on her bed. I slipped my weapons into my pockets then stepped inside the car.

My father was sitting across from me, his hands were gripping the steering wheel. "How did you get out of jail?" I demanded. Dad didn't answer my question. "How did you get out of prison?" I repeated.

"There is no time for questions," he sighed. I looked at him for a moment. He wore a raggedy black coat and torn jeans. His hair was buzzed cut, his fingernails were recently covered in dirt, and his eyes were deadly.

This wasn't the real Dad I knew, seventeen years ago. "Are you going to help me?" he rasped. "About my situation?" I shook my head firmly. "No," I answered. "I'm not going to help the man who cheated on my mom!"

"Cole," he growled. "I am your father." "Did you escape from jail?" I asked. Dad didn't answer. I see something orange underneath his clothes. He has escaped. I was about to leave until Dad yanked my arm then forced me back into the car.

"Young lady," he snapped. "You are going to help me or I-" I sprayed pepper spray into his eyes then ran out of the car. Dad howled in pain then unintentionally pulled the clutch.

The car rolled off of the driveway and stopped on the road. Just then, a car crashed against my father's and tumbled until all the metal skidded across the asphalt.

"Dad?" I cried, walking over to the damaged white Volvo. "Are you okay?" Dad looked at me then nodded, his entire body was covered in blood.

I looked at the bumblebee car and stared hard at the driver. He was around my age, Caucasian, wore a football jersey, and a crazy daredevil. The blood motted in his hair, giving it an eerie orange color.

All of a sudden, both of the cars caught on fire. As soon as Dad started screaming, Mom ran out of the house with bathrobe and a phone in her hand.

Dad furiously opened the door and started running in circles. Mom dialed 911 and told the ambulance the details. I immediately ran back to the house, grabbed a bucket full of water and ran back to douse the flames on my father and the driver.

As soon as the ambulance arrived, the doctors pulled them onto the gurneys and slammed the doors behind them. The police cars surrounded the damaged cars then took pictures of the scene.

After a couple of long, boring questions, the cops bid us goodnight then left the scene. Luke showed up to my lawn, wearing a grey sleeveless shirt and pajama pants.

When he saw the cops surrounding the area with yellow crime tape, Luke was confused. "Hey Cole," Luke said. "Did I miss anything?" I took a deep breath then I told him everything before the cops came.

As soon as I was finished, Luke hugged me then kissed my forehead. "Are you alright?" he asked. "Yeah," I nodded. "Pretty good." Just then, someone tapped on my shoulder.

It was Jason, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "Hey Cole," Jason greeted. "Hey Luke." "Hi," Luke said flatly, picking his nails.

"Did you find out what started the fire?" I asked. Jason shook his head. "Maybe Luke can do some Sherlock detective skills?" I suggested. Rolling his eyes, Luke walked around the car then pulled something from out of his pocket.

One cop was looking up from his notebook. "Hey kid," he said. "This is a restricted area." Luke slipped over the yellow tape then took pictures of the damaged cars with his phone.

The cop was getting extremely annoyed. "Are you deaf or what?" he yelled. "The fire was started by light cigarette," Luke said with a sigh. "What?" the cop barked. "The moron who collided with Cole's Dad," Luke explained, pointing to the charred cigarette in my Dad's driver seat.

"My hypothesis is that while the loser was smoking, and apparently drinking, he pressed the accelerated pedal very hard and crashed the Volvo."

"So as soon as the car hit my father's," I began. The cigarette slipped through the crack and caught the car on fire." Luke gave me a nod then looked at the cop, who was staring at us in amazement.

"Oh and by the way," Luke added, looking at the cop. "You should never underestimate me." He gave the cop a quick pat then walked over to me. "Mission accomplished, Captain." Luke snickered at me.

"Goodnight." I said. He gave me a two fingered salute then left the house. Jason gave me a small smile then scratched his head. "So," he said. "Are you doing alright?" I nodded eagerly. "Thanks again for the detective work."

"You're welcome." Jason answered. I walked back to my house then closed the door behind me. As I hurried upstairs to my room, I rushed into my room and jumped on my bed.

I wrapped myself in blankets and closed my eyes. The next morning, I woke up groggy and started to heading to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

After I took a hot shower, I wore my black tank top, glittery pants, and black boots. Grabbing my jean-like shirt and cap, I doned them on then grabbed my backpack.

"Hi Cole," Mom beamed as she put the finishing touches on the scrambled eggs. She poured them onto a plate along with some toast and bacon then lets me eat in the dinning table.

"How did you sleep?" Mom asked, filling her mug with coffee. Other than the part that my dad was slammed by a car? "I'm doing fine," I answered. "How was my dad and the other guy."

Mom bit her lip then sipped her coffee. She was hiding something. I bit into my eggs and ignored the awkward silence. "Have you made your decision?" Mom asked suddenly.

"What?" I asked, munching on my toast. "The Great Gatsby prom is in two days," Mom began. "Are you going to go to the prom?" "Nope," I answered. "Mom, you know how I feel about the prom."

"It will be fun," Mom protested. "It will be like the Hunger Games," I stated with a yawn. After I was finished with my breakfast, I kissed my mom then left the house.

I spent most of my lunch period, looking at the photos of Madison's contents. As Luke sat down, the announcement came on. Attention students, the announcer reported. The Great Gatsby prom is two days away." Everyone whooped and cheered, except for us.

"Pathetic," Luke grumbled into his pizza. If you haven't purchased your prom tickets, please do so by the end of the day. May I have Luke Hamilton and Nicole Porter to come to the office, please?

We stared at each other in disbelief then at the speaker.

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