Chapter 10: Lunchtime

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"So, Madison invented the Hate List?" I asked very slowly, after Luke shuts down his laptop. "No wonder Kimberly's handwriting was strange," Luke murmured. "I'm guessing that she created the voodoo doll of her," I said. "But what was the prank and why?"

Luke shrugged his shoulders. "And in the meantime," Luke yawned. "We need to find out how the blood came on the phone charm and where Kimberly is." "I'll tell the parents what we have found," I said. "I am going to run some more tests on the charm," Luke responded. "Could you send me the photos?"

Nodding, I tapped on the two photos of the doll and paper then sent them to Luke. "Thanks," he said. "I can't believe those girls tricked me," I muttered. Luke typed something on his phone then chuckled.

"I installed a stink bomb mechanism in the bugging device," Luke said. "As soon as the diva's car runs out of gas, they will be smelling like garbage." "You what?" I cried. "Don't worry, the stench will only last for about two hours." Luke sighed. I gave him a puzzled look. I never knew that Luke has a devious side.

"Anyway," I sighed. "We should get ready for the prom." Luke bit his lip, but nodded. "Look, the sooner we ask a couple of questions regarding to Kimberly's disappearance, the sooner we get out of the school and continue the investigation."

Luke does have a point, I thought. He rested his head on the wooden chair then looked at me. "I bought the prom tickets," he explained. "You want to go to the stupid dance with me?" I have him a playful punch on the arm. "I thought you never ask," I said.

The next morning was the same thing. I woke up from my sleep, brush my teeth, and get dressed, but this time, it was different. Mom gave me a beaming look while she poured her coffee. "I saw Madison's car last night," she began. "What did you guys talk about?"

"Mom," I said annoyed. "We were talking about the retarded prom." She gave me a sigh then slurped her coffee. When she was finished drinking, she asked if we are best friends. "Yes," I lied weakly. I stirred my hot chocolate with my spoon then ate my toast.

"I knew you love the prom," Mom continued. "If you just have the confidence to-" I smelled something was burning on the stove. Mom let out a shriek then raced back into the kitchen. As soon as I was finished with my breakfast, I drained my cup then put the dirty dishes in the sink.

I snatched my backpack, lying next to my chair, and walked out of the house. For a minute, I thought that school will help me take my mind off of Madison, but it didn't. Because I had cheerleading practice, I was stuck to her clique like glue.

Every stinking day was cheerleading routine. With all the flipping, smiling, and the clapping, I thought I was going to collapse. To make things worse, I have to follow Madison's schedule. From sleepovers to birthday parties, it was a total nightmare.

When the bell rang for lunch, I immediately grabbed a tray, stuff it with food, and sit next to Luke. My eyes darted from left to right, making sure that Madison's sorority sisters wouldn't see me. Luke gave me a small pat on the shoulder and I jumped.

"Calm down," he reassured. "No one is going to get you." "I hate being a cheerleader," I growled under my breath. Luke bobbed his head very slowly. "I think I already noticed," he murmured. "Meanwhile, the principal is reminding to go to the prom and he'll be watching us."

I rested my head on the table. "Have you called Kimberly's parents and told them the news, yet?" Luke asked. I lifted my head quickly and slapped it with my head. "Idiot," I snarled. Luke slipped his water bottle and shrugged. "Don't worry about it," he reassured. "I'm going to take care of it."

My eyes widened with gratitude. "Thank you," I said. Luke smiled then squeezed my hand. "Have you picked your dress?" he asked suddenly. I nodded eagerly. "Yeah," I answered. "Madison and the girls helped me, even though I wanted to buy some sneakers."

"Have you bought anything nice?" Luke gave me a solemn nod. "Is it modern?" I guessed. He shook his head. "It's no fun to ruin the surprise," he chuckled. I gave him a pout. "Party pooper," I grumbled. All of a sudden, someone tapped on my shoulder. It was the brunette.

She gave Luke a flirtatious smile, but he ignored it and went straight for his lasagna. "So Cole," the brunette began. I smiled, but deep down inside, I wanted to strangle her for what she said last night. "Have you already asked someone to the dance?" "Yes," I answered. "Luke volunteered."

The brunette's smile turned into a frown. Something tells me that she was jealous. "Great," she said uneasily. "I'll see you tonight, okay?" I nodded, showing no enthusiasm. "Bye," she said flatly. "Bye," I mimicked. Luke snickered under his breath.

The brunette gave me a mean look then went back to her table. "Something tells me that we are going to see her very soon," Luke said. "Along with Madison and the jocks, I am thinking that she wouldn't stand a chance."

I cut a piece of my lasagna with my fork then bit into it. While I was eating my lunch, Luke was staring at the cool kids' table. "What are they saying?" I asked nonchalantly. "The brunette is blabbering everything to Madison," Luke explained. "She thinks that you should find another boy to hang around."

I gritted my teeth together, but swallowed my noddles. "Madison is the only one seems okay with it," Luke continued. "I don't understand why she is so calm." I turned my head around and caught the girls glaring at me. They were talking so low that I couldn't hear.

"What are they saying now?" I asked. "Sooner or later, the ritual is about to begin." Luke answered.

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