Chapter 13: Follow the Green Road

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I desperately wanted to call Luke, but he was busy talking to the boys. Jason was out of the picture, so I have decided to continue the investigation myself. I pulled out my flashlight then followed the green trail.

As the powdered line ended at the door to the boiler room, I turned the knob then entered inside. I was greeted by the musty smell of steam. Wooden stairs creaked as my foot pressed against it. From the corner of my right, there was a huge machine, shaking back and forth like a crib.

My obvious guess that it was the boiler. Since I am here, who was the one who put the glitter in the first place and why? I took my time, walking down the steps then shone my flashlight at the ground. After hours of searching, there was still green glitter. That's when I found a tiny blob of red just a few inches away from my sneaker.

I knelt down then inspected it. There was no doubt it was blood, but who was it? I got up to my feet then walked around the boiler. I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. It was Luke, asking me where I was. I sighed then responded that I was in the boiler room. Just when I was about to tell him the rest, I felt my foot hitting against something soft.

It was a blue, large body bag. A huge red stain appeared on the surface. I took out my purple rubber gloves from my purse then put them on. I left the flashlight on the ground as I unzipped the bag to see what was inside.

Something was strange about this bag. I rummaged to find a pale leg that was covered in bruises. Not only did the scars were inflicted on the leg, but also the arms and hands.

That's when I saw a bundle of red string stuffed in the bag. I plucked out the string then examined it. I started hyperventilating and dropped it. This isn't no ordinary string, it was hair.

I scooped out the strands of hair until I saw myself face to face to Kimberly. She wore only a white dress and heels. Her lips appeared to be covered in soars. Her eyes were shut and her face looks like she hasn't been sleeping for weeks.

Kimberly, I thought sadly. I couldn't believe she is dead. I immediately called the police and tell them that I had found Kimberly. "Where is she?" the police officer asked. "She's in the boiler room," I answered truthfully. "In a body bag."

A few minutes later, the police took over the boiler room. The prom stopped abruptly when the saw the medics and cops flooding to the gym. A lot of people were scared and confused, including the principal.

Luke stood besides me, squeezing my shoulders and comforting me. That's when I told what I have discovered in the boiler room. After the long explanation, he sighed then pressed my lips on mine.

"Don't ever do that unless I am here," Luke reminded. The cops called us over then handed us some pictures of the corpse. As we examined them, I frowned when I saw the slits in her throat.

"We think that the victim has been cut by something sharp," one of the officers said. "Are you sure?" Luke asked. "It looks like she has been shoved downstairs." He pointed to the picture where traces of blood appeared on the sharp end of the rail.

Another cop stared at him. "The stairs railing has Kimberly's blood on it," I agreed. "The killer must have pushed her down the steps and tried to cover his or her tracks."

The cops looked at each other for a moment before scratching their heads. "I guess you kids are right," the first cop shrugged. "But the catch is, who killed the girl? My bet is on Madison." I let out a sigh. "Even though Madison is a nuisance, she and her friends couldn't kill Kimberly."

The cops received orders from their walkie talkies then departed from the crime scene. "What did the jocks say?" I asked Luke. "They were attending a football game in New Jersey," he replied annoyed. "And besides, if they did meet up with the girls, they only wanted to flirt with them."

"Good thing I am not one of the clique any more," I shuddered. "Anyway," Luke began. "What happened between you and Jason?" I darted my eyes away from him. Jason tried to make a move on me, I wanted to say, but as soon as those words came out the sooner Luke would get angry at Jason. "Can we talk outside?" I asked. Luke nodded then walked me out of the school.

The school was surrounded by anxious parents and police officers, but we managed to steer clear from the chaos. We took a seat on the grass and watched as cars fill the parking lot. Luke took off his coat then threw it around my shoulders. "You looked cold," he explained. I gave him a warm smile and rested my head against his shoulder.

That's when I swallowed very hard then look at Luke. His expression was puzzled. "Is there something you wanted to tell me?" I nodded very slowly. "Jason wanted to dance with me," I began. "So, he took me to the dance floor, we danced for a moment until he tried to kiss me."

Luke looked at me for a moment then sighed. "I noticed," he admitted. I turned to face him. "What?" I asked. "Jason looked like he was about to throw up." Luke said. "I knew something was up." "But why did you-" I began. I instantly stopped myself. He knew that Jason liked me, he also hated Jason from the beginning.

"You wanted me to tell the truth," I said softly. Luke nodded then stared at the stars. "I wasn't going to kiss him," I insisted. "I swear-" "I believe you," Luke interrupted, giving me a small smile. I gave him a look. "You thought I was going to cheat on you or something?"

Luke didn't answer me. I squeezed my hand against his. "You know that I am not like that," I said sternly. "I am never going to be a cheater. Just promise me that you won't cheat on me again." Luke looked at me then nodded firmly. "Never," he promised. I leaned forward and kissed him passionately on the mouth.

He kissed me back then rubbed his fingertips against my back. Just then, we saw Kimberly's parents' car parked in the driveway. Oh crud, I thought. We both jumped up then raced back to the parking lot.

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