Chapter 1: Graduation

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Everyone was in the gymnasium. Streaks of red and yellow hung besides the audience. I could easily see my mother in the crowd, fumbling with her camera. She was in a champagne colored dress with matching heels. Her hair was pulled back into a bun.

While the grown-ups were sitting on the right, us seniors were sitting in the left. Our graduation robes shone red and yellow as if it was a flag. Underneath my robe was my elegant periwinkle dress and sneakers. I kept my graduation hat firm on my head.

Sitting right besides me was my best friend, Ben Hamilton. We smiled at each other and held hands very tightly until neither of us can move. The principal was standing on the podium delivering a powerful speech about us going to see the world differently and how as we move on, we might discover challenges that were both challenging and fitting to the naked eye.

As soon as he was finished, he called us in alphabetical order to come and get our diplomas and deliver our speeches. When he called my name, my heart literally flipped. I clutched my chest and started breathing. It was probably a bad idea to drink coffee before the event.

Ben gave me a look then playfully pushed me out of the chair. I gave him a smug look then walked onstage. After the principal handed me my diploma, he announced my accomplishments as well as my bravery for solving mysteries. People cheered, especially my mom and Ben.

"A lot has changed since I had moved to San Francisco. Before packing all my belongings into my mother's truck," I explained. "I never expected having to accomplish something that was so hard and so challenging two years ago."

"I loved mysteries and I loved crime ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to protect America as much as I wanted to protect my friends and family. At first, people thought I was crazy. That a seventeen year old girl would become a detective. I used to believe that until I met Ben."

Ben mouthed I love you to me. "Meeting Ben," I began. "Was like meeting Michelle Obama. He was always there for me, emotionally and physically. Luke is my best friend in the entire world and I love him. I love him and Mom more than anything in the entire universe."

"Graduating Newton High happens very fast," I continued. "Every morning, kids new and old, experience trauma, emotions, and even the gift of friendship. Memories will never wear away, it will always be right here through hardship and dedication."

The audience clapped and cheered for my speech. Wiping the tears from my eyes, I shook the principal's hand then left the stage. After the graduation ceremony was over, Ben came behind me then hugged me tight. "You were awesome back there," he complimented.

Grinning, I hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Sherlock." I whispered. "Same Irene." Ben whispered back. Mom came out of the school then hugged me tightly. "I am so proud of you Nicole," she sobbed. "Mom," I groaned. "It's not a big deal." She cried on my shoulder, earning her my annoyed look.

Rolling my eyes, I hugged her gently then kissed her on the forehead. Returning home from graduation was cumbersome. I took off my clothes, took a long hot shower, and slipped into my blue pajamas.

After I closed the door, I packed my things for Princeton then stared at an envelope, sitting on my desk. Curious, I zipped up my suitcase and opened the envelope. It was a long letter from my dad. I bit my lip then tossed it in the trashcan. After months of the Treasured case, I thought I could forgive him for lying and cheating on my mom. But I guess I couldn't.

Sweeping away my golden brown bangs, I stared hard at my leather suitcase. Two years, I thought to myself. I gazed at my empty closet then back at my full suitcase. The photos of my early childhood was still sitting on my bed.

I was still the same girl who gets obsessed with Princeton, gets good grades, and wears clothes that other girls doesn't like. The acceptance letter from Princeton was lying on my bed.

My dreams of getting into Princeton had finally came true ever since the letter came through the mail. Just this last week,  Mom grabbed the envelope from the mailbox then ran into the house all excited. As soon as she saw my face, she practically had to beg me to open it.

I ripped the letter out of the envelope then stared at the words. The contents explained that the school board had loved my college essay and told me that I was accepted to Princeton. I let out a high pitched squeal then hugged my mom very tightly.

Putting the letter and diploma in my folder, I put it into my bag then zipped it up. Next to the bed, there was a black leather knapsack that Ben got for me. When I opened it the contents were still there: the lockpicking kit, my tablet, two bottles of pepper spray, and my trusty flashlight that acts like a taser.

The minute I zipped up the bag, I lifted it over my shoulder then dragged the handle of my suitcase down the steps. The smell of barbecue escaped the kitchen. I looked and saw Mom, placing a chunk of steak and pasta on a plate. "Late night dinner?" I asked. Mom's blond hair in a huge bun. She wore a pink tank top and pajamas.

"Just want to make something nice for my daughter," Mom shrugged, handing me the plate. "Thanks, but you don't have to do this." I said. Mom gave me look then pointed her finger at the  table. Rolling my eyes, I put the dish on the table then cut the meat with a knife and fork.

"So," Mom began. "Are you nervous about your first day tomorrow?" "Nope," I answered. "I'm going to be fine." She reached her hand across the table then touched mine. "I can't believe that you are going so far away." she sighed. This was true, Princeton was in New Jersey. It was at least ten thousand miles away from San Francisco.

"Do you have your passport?" Mom asked. I nodded. "Your plane ticket?" she persisted. I nodded again. "Do you have-" Mom began. "Mom," I interrupted. "I am going to be fine. I have everything  I need, okay?" "But what if your in danger?" Mom asked, ignoring my reassurance.

"I have a taser and two bottles of pepper spray in my knapsack." I answered. "And besides, you know that I hate being a damsel in distress." Mom rolled her eyes at my comment then placed a kiss on my forehead.

"As soon as you are finished with your food," she said. "Get some sleep, you'll leave first thing in the morning." "I love you, Mom." I beamed. "I love you too, sweetie." Mom beamed back. "When you get there, make sure you kick some butt." I gave her a questionable look.

"Who are you, and what have you done with my mother?" I gasped. Mom gave me a pat on the back then left the dinning room.

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