Chapter 20: The End

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After the police navigated us out of the mansion, we were surrounded in warm blankets and doctors. The female doctor with brown hair and green eyes knelt in front of me and inspected my eyes.

She reached into her pocket and was about to pull out her tiny flashlight until I saw Mom and Charlie running towards me. "Mom!" I exclaimed, ditching the blanket and the doctor. I immediately tripped and fell on the ground.

"Cole!" Luke cried, ditching the doctor and blanket as well. He ran and pulled me to my feet. "Are you alright?" I looked down at my heels and growled. "Stupid heels!" I yelled. Mom grabbed me by the arms and gave me a tight hug.

"Oh Cole," she cried. "I was so worried about you!" "Where are the others?" I asked. Suddenly, the police came out of the mansion, helping my scared classmates walk out of the house.  Handcuffed, Ms. and Mr. Blair trailed in front of the male cops.

Mom buried me in her blue sweater, constantly stroking my hair. After she broke away, Mom announced that I was going home. Yay, I thought. I couldn't remember the last time I took a shower or slept in my room.

I then glanced at Charlie, who was smiling sheepishly at me. I walked towards him and sighed. "Thank you," I said. "For showing up here." "You're welcome," Charlie baffled. "Can I ask you a question?" I said. Mom gave me a smile then left me alone with Charlie.

"Sure, what is it?" he asked. My smile turned into a frown. "How did you know Luke's number?" I asked. He looked at me as if I was crazy. "What do you mean?"  he chuckled. "You heard me," I said. "How did you know Luke's phone number?"

He was about to say something until Luke reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "Hey!" he cried. "That's my phone!" Luke pressed the texting app with his thumb and handed it to me. "It's definitely him," he laughed.

I scrolled down until I found the same texts that me and Luke have been receiving. Charlie was laughing nervously "I think I know what's going on," I said. "You hated Luke being my friend, so you tried to get rid of our friendship by convincing Mom and me to go back to Michigan."

"Are you kidding?" Charlie snickered. "If I was the one who send those texts, how did I get Luke's number?" "First of all," I began.  "You must have looked through my phone or my notebook to get the number. And second of all, you've ratted yourself out." Charlie's forehead started to sweat.

"Did you hear?" Luke asked the policeman near him. He nodded as handcuffed Charlie and shoved him into the police car. Luke handed the policeman Charlie's phone and bid him goodnight. "Now," I said, looking at my dress. "Let's try and find our clothes. I don't want to look like...this."

Luke smirked when I gestured my dress. "Kids!" someone cried. We turned and saw another male cop rushing towards us. He held us our bags full of our belongings. We took them gratefully and rummaged for our clothes.

I squealed while I pulled my black sneakers out of my backpack. "Thank you!" I shouted to the sky. I quickly removed the heels and slipped my feet inside my old pair of sneakers. "It feels like standing on a cloud," I breathed. "Now all I have to do is go home, take off the stupid dress, and return it to the police."

"Along with the shoes," Luke added. "Yeah," I said nervously. We laughed for a moment. "Come on Cole," Mom yelled in the car. "It's time for us to go home." "Can Luke come with us?" I asked. "And stay in our house for the night?"

"Sure," Mom called. "Come on in." We both smiled as we entered in the car. "Where's Charlie?" "He's in prison," I answered casually. Mom stayed silent for a few minutes then moaned. "I don't want to know why," she sighed.

Mom started the ignition and drove us far from the mansion until I saw a grayish brown house and its sibling to my left.  After Mom parked the driveway, I ran out of the car and headed upstairs.

I smelled the sweet scent of lavendar and vanilla mixed together. I followed the scent to my pillow and collapsed peacefully on the luscious blue fabric of my bed sheet.

It felt amazing to be home. Luke blushed as he knocked on my door. "Is it okay if I can use your shower?" I nodded. "Thanks,"he replied. Luke opened the door to the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

While I was waiting, I received a text from my cellphone. But instead of Charlie, it was the Womanizer. Sighing, I picked up the phone and pressed the Answer Call button.

"Hey Cole," Dad greeted. I forced myself to say something nice. "Hey Dad," I said slowly. "How are you doing?" "Fine," he responded. "I was hoping that you will be Stacy's bridesmaid for the wedding."

I took a deep breath then said something that will make my head spin. "Sure, what time is it?" I asked. "It's on January tenth." Dad answered. "The wedding is in Los Angeles."

"Okay," I beamed. "I will be there, along with a friend." "Good," Dad said. "I'll see you at the wedding." "See you at the wedding," I lied. "I love you, pumpkin." "I like you too," I replied. "Goodbye."

I hung up the phone and turned it off. "Hey Cole," Luke called. "Do you have some clothes?" "Yeah," I said, marching downstairs. "I'll be right back to get some." I rushed into Mom's room, swiped his pair of pajama pants and t-shirt then ran back upstairs.

I opened the door a bit and held out the clothes. "Here you go," I said, closing my eyes. Luke took the clothes and shut the door.

A few minutes later, Luke showed up out of the bathroom, scratching his neck. "Thank you for letting me use your shower." "No problem," I shrugged. "Want something to eat?"

Luke shook his head. He toyed with my pillow then said, "You want me to come to your father's wedding?" I shrugged. "Yeah," I answered. "Why?" Luke asked.

"Because," I sighed. "You're my friend, and I want someone who can restrain me for yelling at the cheater." "Cole," Luke sighed. "I hate weddings."

"I hate weddings too," I admitted. "I'm going to hate myself for saying this, but I have to be there for him, even though he's royal pain in the neck."

Luke smiled when I said this. "What time is the wedding?" Luke asked suddenly. "I don't know," I said. "But I think it's around noon." "Do we have to dress up?" Luke asked. I nodded very slowly. "Do I have to smile?" Luke groaned. "Where are you getting with this?" I asked.

"I want to go," Luke answered. "Really?" I said. "You taught me the importance of true friendship, and you're the toughest girl I know," Luke explained. " We both have love Sherlock and hate weddings. So, let's go and hate weddings together." Luke chuckled. I let out a shriek of gratitude and hugged him.

"Thank you, thank you!" I exclaimed. "Let go of my neck!" Luke grumbled. Mom opened the door and saw me hugging Luke. "I'm ordering pizza," Mom said. "Do you guys like pepperoni?" We both nodded. Mom's smile faded as she saw Luke.

"Are those my clothes?" she asked. "Maybe," I lied. Luke smiled at my mom nervously. "Cole," Mom said. "Set the table. You too, Luke." "Yes Ms. Porter," Luke said.

After Mom closed the door, we both ran downstairs to set the table. "How do you like San Francisco so far?" Luke asked.

Other than being kidnapped by crazy loons? "Pretty awesome," I answered.

The End

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