Chapter 15: The Game

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I woke up in a chair, feeling woozy from a crazy dream. After a couple of deep breaths, I tried to sit up from the chair, but I couldn't move. I could only squirm and listen.

Checking my surroundings, I tried to find a light to this pitch dark room. There was nothing available for me to grab onto. For an instant, I thought that this dark place was Hell.

I kept looking to my left as if I expected Satan to show up. But luckily, he didn't. Suddenly, the light pitched in, destroying the dark shadows. As it turns out, it seemed to be an elegant dining room.

The floor was red velvet, the ceiling carries a heavy chandelier that must be worth a fortune. I was sitting on a majestic chair, fit for a royal king or queen.

In front of me was a huge buffet of food. From bowls of steaming hot chowder, to roasted boar stuffed in fried potatoes and garlic, the food was credible.

To my left were crusted pastries, decorated cakes, and baked goods. But to my right, there were fields of lettuce, vegetables, broths, and succulent meats.

The table was covered in golden embroidered cloths. It even comes with utensils. "Cole," a voice said. "Cole." I turned to find the person responsible for saying my name.

It was Luke, sitting next to me. "Where are we?" he asked. "I don't really know," I said. "Why are we chained?" Luke tried to move, but the chains prevented him from doing so.

"Can you move?" he asked. "No," I said. "Can you keep it down?" a shrill voice said. It was Madison glaring at me. "Can't you see I am trying to get my beauty sleep?" "You care about sleeping?" I screamed. "Rather than getting out of this mess?"

Madison gave me a smug look and glanced at the food. "Who made this?" someone cried. I turned to see all of my classmates, bound by chains.

What was going on? All of a sudden, an elderly old man appeared in the dining room and gave us an apologetic smile. He had blue eyes, no hair, and a crisp dark suit. "Who are you?" Madison seethed. "When I get out of these chains, my parents are going to file a lawsuit against you!"

The elderly man remained calm and held up a silver key. One by one, he unlocked the shackles and handcuffs. When he was finished, he placed the chains on the comfy couch and cleared his throat.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the old man announced. "I am sure you have many questions." "You think?" Luke mumbled. The old man pretended not to hear him.

"My master is very erratic, but he has a kind hearted soul." "Kind-hearted?" I repeated. " He kidnapped us!" "We want to go home!" someone cried. Almost everyone murmured in agreement.

"Now now," the old man chuckled. "My master will meet you very soon, so for now, sit and enjoy your meal." None of us dug in. "I said, 'enjoy your meal' " the old man rasped.

All of us looked at each other and reluctantly ate our food. I took a portion of chicken and tossed salad and plopped it on my plate. I reached for my fork, but it slipped and fell on the ground.

I hurried to go and pick it up. That's when I spotted something strange, I was wearing red heels. I picked up my fork and stared at my clothes. I wore a sleek rose colored dress, a Tiffany's necklace, and golden earrings.

My hair was curled into perfection. I cringed at my elegantly painted crimson nails. I turned to see that everyone is wearing evening clothes.

Luke was wearing a black coat and a tuxedo. Brown bangs were swept away from his eyes. I was surprised to see that he has small freckles and sleek nose. His eyes were greener than an ordinary emerald, and his face was oval shaped.

I blushed as I stared at him. He looked almost handsome in his tuxedo. When Luke spotted me drooling, I hastily resumed back to my meal.

After we were finished eating, the old man, probably the butler, clapped two times and led us to a room even greater than the dining room.

The chandelier still hung from the white ceiling, and the room had luxurious red and gold carpet. There wasn't any furniture, only a phonograph.

"What the heck is this?" a boy asked. "Dancing time," the butler beamed. He blew dust of a black disk and set on the phonograph. He placed the needle on the disk and clapped his hands together, like a child.

The phonograph suddenly roared to life. Its horn breathed out a Bessie Smith's song. "Partners everyone," the butler ordered. We all did what we were told. The others paired up with their girlfriends or boyfriends while I joined up with Luke.

Luke put his arm around my waist and held my hand. Together, we swayed to the music. The other kids watched and tried to copy our example.

"Sway left and right children," the butler said. "Left and right." "I know that we are supposed to do what he says," I whispered. "But I really want to kick-" "Cole," Luke sighed. "Later."

"So, we just continue dancing until we drop dead from exhaustion?" I asked impatiently. Luke was about to say something until a young woman appeared in the ballroom. She wore a yellow satin dress with yellow heels.

Her hair was pulled back in a magnificent bun. Her lips were smeared in red lipstick. It was Ms. Jacob, smiling at us. "Alright children," Ms. Jacob said. "Stop dancing for right now. Let's all go to the Game Room."

"What happened to the bus driver?" Jeff asked. "He fainted," she lied. "Let's go." "You stabbed him with something, didn't you?" a girl shrieked. "Is he dead?"

Ms. Jacob reached behind her back and pulled out a small pistol. "I am trying to be a good host," she coldly explained. "So unless you want to die, I suggest you follow me."

None of us protested. We took a huge gulp and followed her into the Game Room as it turns out, it was just like the ballroom. Only except their was a dead body.

The body was a man with brown hair and wore a black suit. His posture was face down on the floor. All of us screamed in horror, except Luke. He walked towards the body and touched it.

"Why are you touching it?" I shrieked. "He's dead!" "Calm down," Luke said. "It's not real, it's fake." He lifted the body for all of us to see. All of us sighed in relief. It was only just a doll.

"Well played, Luke." Ms. Jacob snickered. "Now let me tell you the rules of the game. First of all, there will be no cheating. Second, you will use your surroundings to find who killed this man and why. When you are finished, ring this bell."

Ms. Jacob held a golden bell for all of us to see and set it on the doorway. "You will all split into two people," she added. "Good luck." She opened the door and left us to ourselves.

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