Chapter 17: Together

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After Ms. Jacob came back, she glared at me. "Am I smart now?" she bragged. "Very smart," I agreed. "So smart that you gave us the answer." Ms. Jacob's confident smile vanishes. "B-but," she stammered.

"No hard feelings," I said sadly. "You tricked me!" Ms. Jacob screamed, stamping her foot. Instantly, the speaker suddenly came on. "That puzzle was too tricky for them, Ms. Jacob." a voice chuckled. It was the butler

"Oh shut up," Ms. Jacob barked. "Let's go to the next round." "After snack time," the butler said. "Honestly, they deserve a treat for all their hard efforts." Ms. Jacob grumbled very low for us to hear.

She then rolled her eyes and led us back to the dining room. Golden plates were filled with crackers smothered with cream cheese, grapes, and a small cake. After we took our seats, we devoured our snacks in silence.

Madison was holding back tears as she was trying to eat her crackers. For a minute, I felt extremely bad for her. Luke tapped on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring look.

"Don't worry about it," he said. "Just give it a little patient and then she will be back to her old, spoiled self." "I am not worried about that," I sighed. "I am confused about how did Ms. Jacob know about us."

"About what?" Luke asked. "About our secrets," I said. "And the weirdest part is, how did we get these clothes?" Luke stared at something on the Tiffany's necklace. He ran his fingers on the chain until he saw the price tag.

He was staring at it for a very long time. "What is it?" I whispered. Luke didn't answer, he checked the cuffs and saw another price tag on it. "Luke!" I whispered impatiently. "What is it?" He darted to his left and saw all the price tags attached to the kids' clothing.

"We're wearing stolen clothes," he murmured. "What?" I asked. "These clothes...are stolen," Luke hissed. "Look at your clothes! Do you remember buying them?" I thought about it for a moment and shook my head furiously.

"What are you talking about?" I whispered. "I don't even like dresses!" I stared at Luke all of a sudden. "Maybe the butler put them on us while we were sleeping!" I said. "Maybe Ms. Jacob and the butler are the robbers," Luke suggested.

"They kidnapped us and make us play their stupid games." "What if Ms. Jacob framed Ms. Pepper?" I asked. "That makes perfect sense-" The butler rang the bell and led us to another room.

It was the same room with a doll and servilance camera. I am starting to wonder if this is actually a replica the Game Room. "I don't want to play this game anymore," Madison cried. "This is stupid, let's just go home."

The butler ignored her complaints as he turned towards the door. Angry, Madison grabbed his arm and yanked it. The butler stared at her aimlessly. "I want to go home," she cried. "Please." For the first time, I have never seen Madison so scared before.

I saw some compassion in the butler's eyes. He smiled patiently at her and patted her blond hair. "Of course, I can take you home." he said softly. "Follow me Madison. The rest of you play the game.

"I want to go home too!" someone cried. Once again, everyone was talking at once. "Good luck," the butler beamed. He took Madison by the hand and led her out of the room.

As soon as he closed the door, I heard Madison screams."Madison?" Jeff cried. He tried opening the door, but again the door remained shut. He called her name three times as he yanked on the handle, but she didn't respond.

Most of my classmates were screaming and crying as well. A girl was hugging her friend tightly while some jock was retching the leftovers.

We gathered around the doll and peered at it. The doll had blond hair and blue eyes. But instead of wearing a suit like the first doll, it wore a torn blue football jersey uniform.

On the coat is said Newton High Eagles. This is Jeff, I thought. The others noticed it too. "Who did this?" Jeff cried, looking at his doll. "Seriously, is this some prank?"

None of us said anything. "What the heck is going on in here?" Jeff shrieked. "Tell me!" He took his doll and threw it at the camera, which shattered completely.

"Jeff," I said calmly. "Calm down, okay?" "Get us out of here!" Jeff yelled, ignoring me. "I want to get out of here right now!" Ms. Jacob showed up in the room, looking calm and relaxed.

"Alright Jeff," she said. "You can go home." "But what about Madison?" he asked. Ms. Jacob pretended that she didn't hear him. "Let's go," Ms. Jacob said. "All of you stay there."

Sniffing, Jeff took her by the hand and left the room. For a few minutes, Jeff started screaming. There was a huge scuffle and loud Squish. The kids gasped as they heard a loud thump and a moan.

It belonged to Jeff. Everyone was panicking, except us. However, we were a bit shaken by what we heard. We ignored the screams and stared at the Jeff doll.

"You said that Jeff was broke, right?" I reminded, wiping away my tears. Luke nodded. I gazed at the purple bruises all over the doll body.

"Who had it out for Jeff?" I murmured. "Maybe we could ask around." "We need to play by the rules," Luke reminded. "And besides, I don't think Ms. Jacob will fall for your tricks again."

Some girl walked up to us and cried. "Aren't you guys scared or something?" We both nodded. "Then why aren't you helping us escape?" she growled. "You nerds are the smartest out of all of us."

I'll take that as a compliment. More kids stopped at what they were doing and turned to face us. "She's right," one of them said. "We're trapped because of you guys."

Almost all of them murmured in agreement. "Maybe they're the ones who kidnapped us," the girl accused. "Seriously, we kidnapped you?" I snickered. "That's a joke considering the fact that we both got knocked out by sleeping gas. Along with you morons!"

Everyone shut their mouths up and allowed me to speak. "I get it," I continued. " 'Let's blame the nerds', but have you ever realized that you all are just hurting yourselves?"

My classmates lowered their heads as if they were being punished. "I am scared as much as you guys," I admitted. "But I don't want to die here, and so should you. Now, are you going to help us or are you going to wet your pants?"

There was no response. The girl, who accused me came a bit closer. She nodded in agreement. "Of course we'll help you." The girl answered. The other classmates agreed with her. Soon many kids gave each other high fives and huddled around the doll like a campfire.

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