Chapter 10: Robbery

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"The trip has been canceled?" I asked. "The police arrested Ms. Pepper last night," Luke said. "And the school is trying to find a replacement for her."

"But why was the trip canceled?" I asked. "I'm getting to that," Luke snorted. "The field trip is canceled, because the museum wouldn't let us in there. It's like they don't trust us."

"That's stupid," I said. "The principal is trying to find another museum that can take us. Meanwhile, we are supposed to hang on to our permission slips."

"Something just doesn't add up," I said. "We both received a call from John Doe, telling us that the stores were about to get robbed. But what if he's one of them, that could explain the news."

"That could be," Luke shrugged. "I'll go back to the hideout and do some research." "Meanwhile," I said. "I will watch the news over again to see if I get something."

Luke was about to leave until he stopped in his tracks. "Can I have your number?" Luke asked. When he said that to me, I blushed. He was the first guy who had ever asked me that question. Seeing my reaction, Luke moaned.

"Don't get any high hopes," Luke grumbled. turning red. "We're not dating or doing anything special." "I wasn't thinking that!" I cried. But nonetheless, I ripped out a sheet of paper out of my notebook then wrote my digits down.

Luke wrote his number down on my notebook then placed the pen down. I held up my phone number, expecting him to take it, but he didn't.

He stared at the digits. "Got it," he said. I looked confused. "You don't want the number?" I asked. "Photographic memory, remember?" Luke said. I slapped my head in frustration. I had forgotten about that!

"Sorry," I muttered. Luke smiled then crawled out of the window. "I'll call you later," he promised. I smiled back then closed the window behind him.

I went downstairs to join Mom for breakfast. Mom beamed as I set the table and filled the glasses with orange juice. I looked up at Mom, who was busy texting someone on her Samsung.

"Sorry," she replied embarrassingly. "I'm contacting my friends from Michigan." I understood that she misses them as well as her beloved state, but I couldn't let the sadness wash over her like a tidal wave.

"So Mom," I began. "What do you want to do for the weekends?" Mom set her phone aside and thought about it for a moment. "Maybe we could go shopping for dresses," Mom suggested.

"Dresses?" I said. "What's the special occasion?" Mom took a deep breath and said this, "Your father is getting married." I stood there unamazed. "I am not going there," I scoffed. "The last wedding that we go to, smelled like the Walking Dead attacked there."

"Cole," Mom said impatiently. "This is your father's special day." "Oh please," I snorted. "He thinks everything about him is a special day." I ate my breakfast and washed it down with orange juice.

"We are going to the mall to get some dresses," she stated firmly. "And that's final. When you are finished with your toast, let's go to the mall."

"Fine," I grumbled. I devoured my toast, brushed away the breadcrumbs on my t-shirt and waited Mom to finish hers. Just then, I have received a text from Luke, asking me if I have re-watched the news yet.

Groaning, I texted him back, telling him that I will do it later. As soon as Mom was finished, I stuffed my phone in my pocket and went to the car with Mom tailing after me.

Mom drove until we reached to the mall somewhere in San Francisco. The mall was packed. People were darting in and out of stores as if it was a video game, white smooth tiles comforted the soles of my aching feet, and walls were covered in white elegant paint that looked a bit like cake icing.

People in carts were selling free samples, phones, and other great purchases. I was about to get a free sample of a sandwich, until Mom yanked me out of my fantasy.

We, along with some strangers, took a ride on the escalators. While I was riding on a black stair, I was nearly holding my breath as I looked down. As we stopped, Mom squealed in delight.

Dresses from every size and color filled the clothing racks. As Mom was trying to look for a dress her size, I went back to my phone and resumed conversation with Luke.

Let's focus on the clothes, Luke suggested. The police said that the robbers stole fashion clothes, jewelry, and other necessities. Why? I thought about it for a moment. What if they're females? Luke began. Girls are into that stuff.

Annoyed, I texted him back. Not all girls, Luke. I responded. Whatever, Luke groaned. Why did the robbers steal all those fancy clothes?" "Wait, can you describe the clothes that they stole?" I asked. It must have taken him awhile to answer my response.

"A red satin dress, Tiffany's necklaces, golden earrings, black heels, eyeliner, lipstick, black dress, blue dress, wedges, makeup, and other fashion designer clothes." Luke described.

"Anything else?" I asked. "Oh, and designer shoes." Luke added. "These robbers must have been busy." All of a sudden, Mom walked towards me with a fluffy yellow dress in her hands.

"" I said. "Doesn't this dress looks amazing on you?" Mom crooned. "Come on, let's try it." I immediately cringed at this. "What's going on?" Luke asked. "I'll text you back," I promised.

Mom shoved me in the fitting room and made me put it on. I slipped out of my clothes and put on the dress. Mom zipped the back of the dress and swerved my head to the mirror.

"What do you think?" Mom asked. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and stared in horror. "I look like my second grade play," I groaned. In second grade, I had to play one of the ducks in The Ugly Duckling.

The play was so horrible that most of parents got out of their seats and waited outside the theater for the terror to end. However, some of the parents did stayed, but they texted on their phones until the play was over.

Sighing, I removed the dress and laid it on the bench. "Maybe we should pick something else," Mom suggested. I nodded very eagerly as I put my clothes back on. As Mom navigated the racks for dresses, I focused my efforts to solve the mystery.

Just then, I received a text from Luke. "The robbers broke into another store," Luke responded. "But this time, they robbed suits, ties, cologne, and shoes."

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