E: Up til now.. T:Satisfied

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  Today I was in Austin. This is the first time I've really slept through the whole time but my allergies and sleep depriving got the best of me. Closing off the first book of Countered Reputations really got me thinking especially since I've finished so many animes just this month. I have a new list now but really... It's gotten me to accept ending my stories a lot better. In fact, "The Turning" was one I wrote all at once. I haven't posted it because I've written it but I haven't typed it up yet. It felt like it was long but once IO saw the converrsion I was surprised. It's not that long of a story but it gets to the point and that's what I feel accomplished about.

  I have a couple of charcaters to add to this story. There's 'Kid', Night, and for now let's call him PT since that's the intial of his blog. The one thing I think is hilarious is that I never really ask people for their name. I'll know their face but I will never ask for their name. Hell. I won't even introduce myself. Although, it's also presented in my writing. I never give the name of the character in a series a name in the first chapter. It just makes things fun for me.

  In countered Reputations it starts out in Noel's point of view. It never says his name. Then, it tells you in the second. In A Thousand Fallen Leaves I say the name. I don't try to start stories the same way. This one was started with a letter. In my short stories I try to make it all compact. I hate having to say the name of the character fromt he start but most of the time I leave it blank when I firsst write it and then fill in the blank at the end to what the charcter's name shouold be. Take Boss Scather for example. He's real. I just didn't want to resort using his actual name. And then I figured I might as well.

  Honestly, anything that'll fall in Adu Ti Estoria will be introductions. The Turning introduces Jake and how he becomes a vampire. It doesn't go any farther than that. Boss and Richard are introduced in Reached and will eventually come back if I have an idea. The same goes for Micheal. Truth is, Micheal was my charcter for a story that I was going to write but I haven't. It was going to be called Photograph of my Demise. or POMD as I would probably introduce it as. I'm half way tempted to just make that a blog story and go from there. I'd have to get my copyrights though.

  That's another thing I'm working on right now. I need to pay for my copyright on everything. Especially since I'm planning on selling some if not most of the stories I write. Now, I don't really want the atonement series to be published. I rather you people to read it if you coem across it. If anything, I'll take out the poems and publish just the poems but through all honesty I feel as if without the entries or the intro and conclusion I can't really feel as if it's meaningful. Although, if it's reaching out to all of you here I might as well reach out to others who defy the internet. I know that I hate it.

  Is it funny that I rather hand write a story than type it? I needed to add something to A.T.O.N.E.M.E.N.T so here I am. I'm focusing on reading Homestuck right now. I'm already on ACT III. I finished Persona 4, Accel World, Magi (I thought I wasn't done and I found out I watched the last episode when it first came out), and let see... Oh yea I finished Broken Blade. I've been working on short animes lately.

  I will suffer from Carple tunnel. I just know I will lol. Relaxing? Pfft. Like I know what that means. The bad thing is when I get an itch to write something but nothings around so then I just tap my fingers or i try to forget that I have an idea and then another pops up in my head. I'm not going to put this next work online but I will mention it because I love it.

  When I was a kid I'd write journal entries to a 'you'. Later I found out I was really just wiritng to the journal itself. Well, there was 22 journals full of that in middle school so now I'm going back to it. The only difference between now and before is that I'm writing to someone. This one that I'm writing right now is towards Lily. She doesn't want me to write about her but it's inevitable. She's a part of my and a big part of it so she can't really stop me from being influenced by her or flattering her. She doesn't know about the journal. I also see it as an obsession but as long as she never finds it (which I doubt she'll ever care to try) then she won't be offended.

  It's really easy for me to write to her. Just like it's easy for me to write to <insert your name here>. Do you see what I mean? What I'm doing right now is the same thing I'm doing in that journal except since I know who she is and I know how she'd react I write it slightly different. I haven't wrote a poem in months. I never really sit down to write them so this is my break for it I guess. I'm more into the journal part of my writing at the moment.

  I've been told that I should be a journalist. Really? Eh. No I don't want to be. If journalism is what I'm doing now then that'll work for me but I don't want to be a news journalist. It's just not my thing to 'report,' I'm a story teller for sakes. I give facts but I have to give opinion too. I think we're about to leave.

  I don't want to leave like I said before. I'll come more awake next time. My grandmother in law was really offended when I slept most of the days away. I can't help it. I can play games for two days straight and not realize that it has been to days. I can write three hours worth of poems, stories, entries, or ect and yet not know it until I finish. The only time I really notice the time that's around me is when my wrist, center palm, or knuckles hurt. I strech out my fingers the best I can everyday. It doesn't help in the long run lol. I mean I believe it'll happen to me no matter what. I might just have to hire someone to write for me for a whole month. They'd make a killing if I paid them a penny per word lol. I mean really, there's a lot I have to say. I don't even know how long it took me to write this but I know that I've passed an hour at least.

  I've meantioned Kid, Night, and PT. I'll talk about them in the next entry. -Peace.

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin