P: A Vow T: Angered

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Date: April 18th 2013

Tone: Angered

Intro: We made a three in top band for concert. I can’t believe this.

The accomplishment I feel

Although, one world could change that

And it did

When I heard it my mouth dropped

My heart stopped

My eyes, settled

I couldn’t believe it was true

But it was

I vow not to do it again


Never again

The one world


Screamed at me

And planted a seed in my hear

One that would grow into vengeance

I hate this

I cant believe it

The auditorium silent

Me, eager

I played the parts everyone

I missed a note or two

I felt accomplished  

And so did he

My partner

My rival


We made

But that didn’t mean anything

This was the first

And will be the last

That’s the lowest rating I’ve ever had

Now that I think I made three before

But that didn’t hurt me

So what? We made a one…

In sight reading that is

Easy Beyond Easy

For us

Now one more competition remains for us

And there are still times to improve

There are two performances in concert and there are still times to improve

There are two performances in concert and we will prove

Who we are and who will always be

We are honors

We are the top

Together we make a band that has proved it’s worth

And now

It’s left to Jazz

Honors Three

Symphonic Two

And now Jazz and state

We’ll make it

I know it

I have no nerves

Now when there’s more than one person at my side

My confidence then

IT’s a tool

One I can use

That won’t abuse

Who I am

This falter

Is a scar

Because next year is it

And I wont let our famous name falter

Not for one but

You make mistakes so you can learn from them

But it is not mistake that I already made

Nervous you are an enemy to me

I have defeated you and now you’ve attacked my friends

I will not let you do this again

Not here

Not ever again

This competition

Has just begun

This falter

A war loss

Yes, it is shunned

But a vow made

Never again

I promise to push

Even more

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenWhere stories live. Discover now