E: I got in a wreck t:scared

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It's entry is giving more background about the previous poem "bedtime story".

I wrote that two hours ago and here I am still away.e I hate meds that he me sleep because they do the exact opposite. It's probably because of the amount of energy I posses. But anyways. Yesterday at between 7;40and 8pm I got in a car wreck. What had happen was i didn't stop fast enough and the guy coming from across. (I was verbal he was coming at a horizontal, hit me and we went spinning. The moment I felt him hit the car I started to have déjà vol this specific one I was hoping would happen eventually not the close to me finally getting my license. So in that split moment before we went spinning I saw it and felt it before my eyes and then I saw it and felt it in reality. It sucked because I have a blank spot of not knowing what happens. Well. Once we stopped spinning my friend Adam the one who was sitting into he front went to go check on his little brother able who was fine but I tried to open my door and it didnt work so I had to get out on the passenger side and then once I did I ran over to the guy who t me and asked if he was okay. He was still in shock, he had ll right too but the fact that I could get out meant that I was fine. Nope.

As I had gotten out I heard Adam ask if his brother was okay I subconsciously asked if he was okay too. It didnt take until I was in the alien e to realize wht his brother had said. After going to the guy and trying to open the door and failing probably because I ws shaking so much and wht not I walked in from too my car to see what it looked like and I found myself at a daze looking at the intersection. I literally stood there and swayed and just took that moment to realize that I ws in. Wreck. I didn't hit the airbags even though they deployed. I just remember covering my face with my hands because I knew we he gotten hit and then I heard a ringing sound. The that's when I tried to open the door. It was already partly open so I thought I could open it. I unlocked it and everything but it still didnt work Soo went out the torn way,

Adam and his brother were standing on the curb, I apporached them and lost support frmy legs so I held onto him. I put my arms around his shoulder and hugged him the beat to my ability he held me up pretty much. I couldn't stop shaking and breathing heavily and the funny pet was that I was more concerned for them. I asked him if he was okay and he said yea and so did able. I hVe a scar on my face and on my wrist. My head still hurts. The world goes in circle if I move to o fast and by that I mean if I don't move slowly because my normal movement reaction time is too fast.

I had my iPad but I don't have my phone we were ogling to go get some yogurt at TJs but instead that happened. Well. Not only that but I was going to go get gas so I had 40 from dad. G figure. I don't know if they have all my stuff but I hope they do. My legs are sore Adam has a bruise from the seatbelt and so does his brother but that's it.

I literally cried and kept saying sorry. Hs mom came after mine and somehow she's not mad at me. I mean, Im md t me. Adam kept asking me why I ws mad t me and I told hm that I could have killed him. And then he pointed ou that I m the only one who got hurt besides the other guy really and I probably stiffened the most but still in my culture we worry about everyone else except ourselves. W in brings me to my mom driving home and seeing this then realize it was me. My pain exclaimed when she came over but not only that she was more worried about the other two even after they said they were okay. I on the other hand was just getting a bit mad but started laughing becaus ei ws in so much pain.

I had an option to go with an ambience and I did. I'd it's want to be with my parents I asked if Adam could go and they kept suggesting that my mom should have, Kay, there's a reason why I didn't want her to go okay. There's a reason and they totally disregarded it.

I got to the hospital and went through all sorts of scans, I had a minor headache, my ribs hurt a little hit, my stomach was hurting, and that was it. I had to admit that I've done drugs before and drunk alcohol how before. Great. Other than that they kep tasking me questions and it pissed me off because I couldn't think straight and then they put this medicine that was supposed to make me sleepy and hell it did. He said it would make me feel drunks dn I was like ye pretty much that's how I felt.

I went in at 8 and got out at 11. XD went to go get my medicine. Bt on the way home the first thing he does when we're at a red light is say: Fannie., this is a red light you're wupposed to stop . And I just felt enraged. I mean. I yelled at him to shut up becaus ei swear I ws so angry. I was like I know dad I just didnt stop fast enough oh fucking Kay? And that pissed them off even more. The moment my parents got ingot the emergency room they started lecturing me I told them to shut up or get ou the cause if dont want to hear it.

I hope I don't lose my license, thts one thing that I kept saying. I don't know the aftermath of this all . Te emergency vist was 226 dollars and the meds were 12 but then I have to pay for the car and get a new decal and I'm afraid to drive this week like I don't want to even be in the drivers set but I still have take Adam to practice tomorrow. Li,e I'm scared out of my wits right now. I haven't slept since 7 :/ .

On the way home I called lily and told her what happened. I got home and called Adam right away to see if he was okay and he was like yea I'm fine. Are YOU okay? And I told him wha tha opened too. I posted up a picture of the if bandage on tumblr and on Facebook. I even told some of my gaming buddies. Like I don't know why I did but I did. I had to g eat so I had to hang up in Adam and then I tried to call him. Again and accidentally called a different friend and he asked why I was calling someone so late and I told him what happened briefly before he had to go because his phone was about to die. I decided to call Skyler right after tht she wasn't very happy with me. Because I woke her but I told her it ws important so she sighed and listened and she could t believe wht I was saying but then I got to a stopping point so she could sleep. It's been a long time since I've called her so yea.

After all that I called Adam again. I just had to because I'd don't want to be out in the living room listening to bull shi. Pat that time my whole left arm was hurting so I couldn't take off my shirt but when I finally did I didn't want to put another on and the family kept asking me to come outside of my room. Yea fucking right. He'll no. Bt yea that what happens yesterday and that's why I can't sleep anymore. I didn't edit this by the way it'll have a couple of awkward words, ill fix them once I'm rested up.

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang