E: April 20th Jazz Festival

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Matrina was excited about today. She Ben gave me some. Shoot. I don't know how to fix this stuff up. xD I'm happy that I don't but at the same time I wish I did. Just to fit in you know? Actually, I find myself wanting to fit in the older I get. I don't know why I feel that way. I guess that's just what society has done to me. *sigh* a lot of things have changed since I started e first book.

Today we have competition. We already preformed and well get the awards later. I didn't do a solo this time. I'll probably do one next year. The

Competition was for jazz. Jazz I'd probably my favorite type e of music to play. We get to listen to Noel Johnson, Canrad Herwig, Joe McCarthy, and John Adams.

I'm filling this out as I'm listening to the lecture lol. Canrad is pretty cool. I like his name. He's a trombone player. I don't think that I have found anyone in the world that has my sound on the trombone. Which is awesome because I'm unique but I can't look up just anyone. What this guy is taking about is technique , sound, and breathing. (Ideas)

I noticed that everything he has said is just the same thing my teacher at home has said. I feel bad. It's annoying but at lest I know that he's teaching correctly. I'm just not learning correctly. I the past few times that I've been practicing I've just played through my music. Psh, that's not going to get me anywhere.

I don't know if I want to keep up with the jazz thing. I would love to. It's awesome. I have the at fun with it. I don't know my scales. I should go practice that. xD. I'd love too ay jazz not for a career. Then again, I don't want to do a lot of things for a career.

Have a plan is another thing that I've heard a ton of times from the lectures that I've heard from the musicians that have given things.

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenWhere stories live. Discover now