Chapter 31 - Stranger

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I wasn't sure if I had heard that right. Aunt Rebecca, mom's twin sister was killed in Havendell, I knew that. But this house? Freaking Hell! She was murdered. When she was 17. In this house. Oh no!

"Mom, who killed her?"

I don't want to hear that- "No one knows. He escaped. His name was Andreas-" Andreas? The ghost who came to meet me in the room? Damn. She continued, "no, Ander or something. I am not sure... I was so close to her. But she was a free spirit and.." she cried.


"Selfish. She left me. She ran away. She was going to marry him. She had her wedding planned. That's why she wrote a letter informing me she was getting married.. before me. But I was happy for her. And then I got the news that she was killed."

"I am sorry, mom."

Does this means that Aunt's grave was in our backyard? Her spirit roams here? She is still here? So many questions and only one can answer. Will. He knows so much but he's hiding it. And I have to apologize him. I hurt him.

Mom wiped her eyes and said, "You can take some of my clothes if you need and go shopping or anything. OK?"

I nodded.

After mom went, I searched for my handbag and emptied it. Makeup, wallet, cell phone, tissues, amulet, - the Amulet? The necklace that lady gave me. I had it in my handbag. I don't remember putting in it. I clutched it tight in my palm. That old lady knew something about the house. If only I could find her again, I might get the answers I needed.

After grabbing some of mom's clothes, showering, and eating my lunch, I called dad.

"Hello, Dad?" I laid down on the couch in the living room.

"Claire?" an old male's voice answered from the other side.

"Grandpa? Is it you?"

"Yes, Claire. How are you sweetie?"

"Fine. Pa? How's dad?"

"He's.. breathing. What happened to him, dear?"

My hands shake as my eyes fill with tears, "I don't know, Pa. I can't explain but how's he now?"

"He's in coma."

Oh no. Why Dad? And he's all alone. He needs me but I can't be there.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" I shouted into the living room after I ended the call with grandpa. My veins were filled with rage, wanting for the answers.

"What happened, Claire?" Jake asked as he came down the stairs.

"Dad. He's in hospital. He got an injury in brain. He's laying unconscious there. It is my fault. I should have never left this freaking town! Hell, we should have never Rivera in the first place." I cried.

I stood up and rushed past Jake out of the main door. I walked up the street, passing the houses. I was not familiar with the places around here, it wasn't safe but who cares. I mean, there's a graveyard in my backyard. And a demon who's obsessed with my soul.

My feet stuck the gravel when I realized I was lost. I had no idea which way I came. The area was unfamiliar. Only few small houses and no people around. The sky got darker as the dawn arrived. And to add glitter to gold, I had left my cell at home. I craned my neck around to look for someone from my species. Where did everyone go in the middle of week?

A black old sedan lurched down the road. I sighed. Turning toward the car, I kept walking. My house is definitely the other way. That car halted few feet away. My heart dropped. Why did it stopped in the middle of a deserted road? I stopped and prepared myself to run. A guy with black leather jacket stepped out. My instincts shouts to run but my feet were glued.

"Hey, I know you." He walked towards me and said. He looked familiar. With golden brown hairs and strong jawline, he looked like a model and not a threat for sure.

"You're Cami? No. Claire." I raised my eyebrow. "Jake's sister? You live by the lake, near Monroe's house?" I nodded once. "You don't know me? Pizza delivery guy-"

"Rick." Jake's surprisingly new friend on the next day we came to Havendell. How can I forget him? I repeated his first words to me. "Can you see me?"

Now that's surprising. Few minutes ago I was angry as hot coal and now I'm joking.

"Erm.. No! I chased an attractive aroma and it led me to you." I rolled my eyes and grinned. "So, what are you doing here? You got lost, didn't you?"

"No.. No." I lied.

"Do you know this is not a safe place to roam idly? Come, I'll drop you home."

"NO! No need. I'll be-"

"Aw, come on."

"I don't want to go home. Yet." I mumbled. Also, I need to eat. My legs ached and I was exhausted. "Can you drop me to the nearest restaurant or cafe?"

"Can do!" He motioned me to walk with him towards the car. "So, when did you return?" he asked when he drove.


"Oh, I didn't mean to- Jake was worried and he told me."

I smiled and asked, "Did you.. um.. you think Jake's been acting.. weird?"

"You think that too? Because, he had been. Also he got much thinner and weaker. I hardly see him eating. Sometimes, he acts like he's a different person. I know there's some family problems involved but then, who doesn't. His behavior is actually um.. weird."

Rick drove into more populated places. We were in the main town. That's when I realized I didn't had my wallet with me.

"Rick!" I almost shouted, "I.. drop me here. I think I should head to home now."

He tilted his head and looked at me. He checked my hands, "You don't have money, right? You're funny." What's funny in that?

He stopped and got out of the car. So did I. "Pay me later. I need a companion to join me to dinner. I'm hungry too."

"Oh no! You don't have to do this."

"I know. But I want to." He winked.

"But-" He grabbed my hand and dragged me to a Pizza place.

I learned Rick worked at this placed. He was 19 years old and lived with his dad. He was funny and talked a lot. Nothing like Will. I asked him if he knew Will. But he said he didn't hang out with the 'rich peeps'. After dinner, he paid and I said thanks. To which he said,

"I'm dying to have such opportunities. Today, luck were in my favor."

He was a flirt. But it didn't give me butterflies or made me nervous like I get when I'm around Will. I couldn't get Will out of my mind. I regretted my stupidity. I tried faking modesty around him when I had to be honest.

Rick and I talked about our high school experience. He warned me about high schools in Havendell. "Seniors are spawn of demons!" he quoted. And my stomach churned at that.

Will I go to high school this fall and complete my senior year? Graduate? Because I was dealing with an actual demon.

Rick asked why was I upset and I told about my dad. Doctors had told Pa there's a fat chance dad will be fit and return to his normal state, ever. If he survived. Rick listened and said he was sorry. Back in his car, Rick said he enjoyed the dinner and pleaded to make another plan soon. "We're friends now, right?" I promised and he inserted his keys in the car. It was already pitch black outside when Rick drove the car out of the parking.

That's when I saw someone standing behind us, from the rear-view mirror. A man. With a long black hood. Shiny, yellow eyes staring at me. It was him, Ander Booth.

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