67. Epilogue

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The door to Claire's room opened as she was wearing her shoes. Ander stood there, waiting for her.

She beamed at him as she grabbed her handbag and phone and walked towards him, her arms outstretched to give him a hug.

"I'm so tired of this smell already. Take me home!" She whined as Ander awkwardly hugged her back. He wasn't used to the PDA as Claire liked to quote it, he was a classical guy, no pun intended.

Claire had been admitted to hospital for over a month due to her severe injuries while everyone else stayed for one night. Ander had been a regular visitor and when one of the nurses asked about him, Claire shamelessly said he was her boyfriend.

"What? You have others things in mind?" She'd glared when Ander didn't answer. Not that Ander was complaining at all. He was more than happy.

She was finally going home. Her new home with her brother and father.

"Shall we?" Ander asked as he took Claire's hand in his and walked out of the hospital. She smiled to herself, "You're a fast learner."

Reaching the parking area, Ander searched for his car. "Did you get your license already? How?"

"My smile isn't enough?" Ander gave a sly smile and opened the door for her. Claire just rolled her eyes. Some things never change.

"Gosh," she said as Ander slammed and took a seat behind the wheel, "it's so weird. You and me, just driving home and have no ghosts to worry about. It's still scary."

The evening sky was blooming in different shades of orange. Their windows were lowered down, their hairs danced with the breeze.

"It is. Life is."

"So, we're back to normal mode, I guess?"

Ander raised his brow at her. He wished he wasn't driving so he could just stare at her. Not a few weeks had passed off their deadly experience yet there she was, bubbling with excitement and full of life. As cheesy as it sounds, Ander thought Claire was the only reason he felt alive.

"Rick said you'll be joining senior year with me? I mean, I will help you with all the catching up you need. But it will be weird, just two regular teenagers attending yet another hell. It will be fun."

Ander shook his head, "You just want to flaunt your boyfriend."

She laughed, "I'm already considering to break up with you, jerk."

Claire's eyes fell on two white flower bouquets on the backseat. She raised her eyebrows, "For me?"

Ander looked at her with confusion when she pointed behind.

"Sorry. It's for your mom. And Dora."

Claire's eyes widened. "Of course, how can I be so stupid! I want to visit their graves first. Can you take me there? Please?"

"As you wish my lady," Ander said. But she realized that's where they were already going. The lake came into view as they drove up the road.

Her heart fastened at all the memories it held. Ander reached for her and squeezed her arm.

Dora's body was buried in the backyard of the lake house as well. They walked to the farthest corner in silence where the bodies of their loved ones were buried. Claire bowed in respect and offered the bouquets to each grave. They prayed side by side.

Later, they decided to walk down the shore one last time. The shore where it all began.

They sat in the sand and gazed at the dipping sun, finally bleeding open their hearts and sharing the feeling they've concealed. They talked about Ander's past life and Claire's. Ander talked about his dad and Claire said he sounded just like how Ander was. They talked about everything and nothing. They talked about the life that was ahead of them.

"Kasie has a gift of clairvoyance." Ander casually dropped the bomb.


"That's how she discovered what was happening in the house. She begged Vincent to come and help us. Rachel called the cops and the ambulance."

"How do you know that? And Mrs. Monroe is OK? No one told me!"

"Kasie told me that herself. I told Vincent and Rachel everything about my past. And yes, something happened during the exorcism that brought back Rachel. She's not completely herself but she's healing. Rachel was the one who found your dad in a stranded car. Jake was supposed to take him for a check-up."

"Will Jake be OK? He blames himself so much for everything." Claire's brows were furrowed. Ander was no different, she thought.

"We'll help him," Ander said in a low voice. She agreed. She will help them.

"Where's Aria?" Claire asked, "She didn't visit me once this week."

Ander shrugged, "Well, she's busy with Rick."

"Rick?" She was alarmed, "Are they dating? She didn't tell me! I will kill her."

"She's just having fun. Leave her with Rick. He's so stumped by her." Ander laughed.

"Oh?" She mocked, "Well, she calls you stepdad."

His eyes widened, "I'm going to kill her."

They both laughed and said nothing for a while. The clouds gathered up and the atmosphere turned colder. The darkness blanketed the sky. They stood up and decided to take a stroll.

"I want to move on," Claire said as they walked against the icy breeze, their bare feet digging in the sand. Their hands were intertwined, inseparable. "I want to take memories of those we lost with me but not the events. And I want to be with you if that's what you wish. I do understand what you're passing through and I will give you space if that's what you want."

She heard him chuckle. "Shouldn't I be the one saying that? I am the man."

She shook her head and looked at him, "This is the 21st century, dear. We're equals."

"Equals?" He smiled down at her, "I like that. And about giving me space, I think I will need you. I don't know how I'll survive in this crazy world now that Dora's gone."

Claire beamed like a little girl, hopeful by his answer.

"And more than that," Ander continued, "I want to be with you. If I tell you how I deeply feel about you, you'll go away screaming. So let's just keep it as this."

And with that, he lowered down his face to her. She observed the man he actually was. His eyes gentle and bearing a lot of memories- good and bad, his mouth set in a mysterious glint. There were so many things she still didn't know but she was looking forward to it.

Then, Ander's lips worshiped hers and secretly whispered all his heart's desires. They decided not to name it love as that feeling was cheaply and carelessly distributed around. Their bond was deeper and stronger and that's all they cared about.

They were out of breath as they took a break from making out, "Are you bribing me with a kiss again?" Claire asked.

The handsome boy, all he knew was how to love, said, "Maybe? I'm bribing you to go on a date with me."

Their hearts were filled with sadness but they were making a way for a new beginning, for new happiness. Ander wondered how his tragic story can have a happy ending. It took him quite a time to realize there's no tragic stories, just phases in life you have to go through and live with.

Claire answered with a kiss as the stars twinkled in the galaxy far above, celebrating the reunion of two broken hearts desperately trying to heal.


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