Chapter 28 - What keeps me Alive

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I drove for an hour on the highway. The traffic reduced after when I left Rivera. I have never driven for this long. Heck, I never drove alone after sunset. Either Jake or Aria would drive me around. Or even my grandma.

But now, I only wish my dad was okay. I saw a gas station and stopped to take a break. I scrolled down the contact list on my cell and inform someone. My first thought was of Jake or Mom but they would think I'd cranked. They didn't believed me before, they won't believe me now.

My thumb stopped on Will's number. He had sent his contact details to Aria's number that morning. I hesitated, but I dialed his number anyway. After a couple of rings he picked up.

"Claire?" How did he knew it was me? "Are you ok?"

"Yes." I said in a low tone trying to lie. But his voice made all my insides scream out the pain and I cried. I sobbed like a widow. I whined like a child. He waited on the other end and heard me out.

After few minutes he asked, "Where are you?"

"On my way to Havendell." I said between my sobs.

"Damn it, Claire. I'm..I. Are you alone?"

"Yes, I took dad's car. I'm in middle of nowhere."

"I'm so sorry Claire, I wish.. I-" his depressed voice filled my ears. "Listen, I'm coming there, I'll meet you halfway, near Laketown, OK?"

"OK." I mumbled.

"I'll text you the address. Will you be able to stay awake?"

"I think." I have little driving experience. I am not even sure if I have my license in my handbag. Damn!

"I'll call you ever hour to track your location."


"Drive safe and don't stop unless it's is necessary." he talked like an overprotective dad now. "I wish you didn't came to Havendell but then I would've regretted not meeting you. I wish we would have met at a different place, in different time. You deserve so much better than this, Claire. I wish I could save you from all this."

"Me too." And I felt I was talking to him for the last time. No, this couldn't happen. He shouldn't harm Will. "I like you, Will." My urge to tell that to him was more than my pride.

"My charms are irresistible, m'lady!" he joked. And silence after that. I thought he ended the call but he added, "I fear but it is more than like."

My heart raced. In normal circumstance, this would be a cheesy summer fling. But the thought that I might not see him again scared me.

"Promise me we'd meet." I begged him.

"Nothing could stop me." he said and ended the call.

I was in danger, I knew. I would meet my worst nightmares and an evil spirit who'd do anything to win me, I knew. But yet I started the car and put my foot on the gas paddle and drove to meet Will. There was someone out there who knew what we're dealing with, someone who cared for me since the beginning. A smile crept my lips while tears ran down my cheeks.

He called me every hour as he promised and tracked my location. He said he was on a bus to Laketown and reminded me to fill up the fuel tank. We decided to meet near the Laketown Mall but I somehow felt he won't come. Not sure why. I parked my car in the parking lot of Laketown Mall and waited.

After waiting for an hour and calling him abundant times, I gave up. One part of me was so sure he was on the way and as impatient to meet me as I was. But the other depressed part said he'd turn his back on me. When you're alone in the middle of nowhere, lost, and broken, everything else seems as dead end too.

I got out to take fresh air and wait for him. If he doesn't appear in next 15 minutes, I'll leave without him. The open parking lot was empty with no one around. I would hear few cars on the main road from time to time but nothing else. I had worn a thin top with thin pajamas in this cold weather. My hairs were a mess and my face had dried out with dark pools underneath my red eyes. When I saw my reflection in the side mirrors I looked like a homeless drunk person.

Someone stood behind me. My eyes went wide with fright. What if he's a murderer or a rapist? Worse, what if he's him who's waiting for Will and kill him as well? I turned around. He wore a faded jeans and a white hoodie over it. He swaggered towards me. My heart dropped and pounded loudly. Thin hairs on my arm raised and I got chills down my spine. He'll kill me.

When he stopped few feet away, he removed his hoodie. Will! He was here. My eyes didn't believe. Was it an illusion? A mirage? I dragged my cheeks down with my palms when I realized it was really him. I rushed towards him, tears flying out of my eyes. He embraced me in his strong arms. I was home.

His fast heartbeats was music to my ears. His chest raised and lowered with his quick breaths. I dug my head deep into his strong chest, his cologne lit up my smelling senses. We stayed there for hours or few minutes, I don't know. But he kept kissing my head and rubbing my back which proved he was not just my imagination. Few minutes later, he took back his arms and I felt sad and lost by breaking the connection. We stared each other's face, noticing every details.

His messy hairs, his light eyes and that smirk, oh how I missed it. Although it didn't beam with confidence or proudness. It was just a satisfactory smile as if he was relieved to see me. Relieved to see me in one piece. He placed both of his hands on my shoulder, his tall body towering my short one. "Are you ok?"

Will might have never showed this caring side to anyone. Because if he did, he'd have a pile of crazy girls who'd be in love with him. He was everything a girl would wish upon a star. He had that arrogant, prideful side but that wasn't his true self. In that moment, I learned he was a complete different person inside. He was the person his innocent and frightened eyes reflected.

"I am now."


This chapter is dedicated to the pretty birthday girl, Dhara Thanky!

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