64. The Dance Of Death

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All the cards were turning against them. But it wasn't a game anymore. Never have been. It was a match between life and death. And mostly death wins.

What would that news do to Claire? "Is there a chance he might be-"

"I don't know. All I know is that once the potion starts working on Claire, Gabriela will take control over her body."

"What potion? And what about George?"

"Gabriela never loved you, Ander. Once Claire is dead, they'll kill you too so that George could take over your body." Of course. Ander and Claire were just pawns.

"Listen to me, brother. It's not too late. But it is time to end this. That potion is healing Claire's body but slowly killing her as well. Don't let them touch Claire or anyone for that matter. Grab my body, strap it and exorcise. I will be free." A pause, then continued, "I've created new protection amulets. They're in my bag and are in form of old keys."

Ander nodded and made a note in his mind. "This is a goodbye, Ander Booth."

Ander extended his hand to hold her one last time, "Wait-". Dora disappeared.

The shadows around him dispersed. He felt lightweight but burdened at the same time with what Dora explained.

Claire's eyes were staring back at him as he was thrown back to reality. "Are you alright?" Her eyes painted in multiple shades of care and concern.

He was panting, floored on the ground, his hands supporting him to keep sitting. Yet he nodded and whispered, "We don't have time. Grab keys from Dora's bag."

She didn't understand why but she squeezed his knee and rushed towards the bag. Dora or rather Gabriela's eyes observed them with confusion.

"Sebastian," Ander commanded, "Let's begin."

Rick and Aria stared Ander, trying to digest what was happening. "Grab a chair," Ander pointed at Aria, "Grab Dora," he said to Rick.

Dora began, "What-" but Rick acted immediately, Aria following Ander's orders behind him.

No time. No time. No time.

Everyone muttered in their head, death screaming back at them.

Claire fished a key bunch, ancient-looking. They had an exotic to it. Much like the amulet she once had, but stronger. The energy trickled in her fist, tingling her senses.

"Claire," Ander called out, "Give one to each of them." She gave one to Rick, one to Aria, one for herself and tossed the remaining ones to Ander.

Dora's weak and old body struggled under Rick's hold as he shoved her on the chair. They waited for Ander to make the next move.

"She's not Dora. Not anymore." His voice broke, a million and two times but he held onto his wobbling knees. He failed once again to save his sister. His only sister who gave away her life for Ander.

Sebastian, although in his mid fifties, acted like an active child, readying himself to begin the exorcism.

"This is a mistake. You're mistaken. Andy, how can you? Andy!!!" Dora screamed and shouted but no one cared about her words.

Rick, Aria, Claire and Ander stood around the chair, their hearts dipped in turmoil. Their eyes focused on the old lady as if she was a ticking bomb.

Sebastian, stood in front of Dora's chair and inhaled deeply. His face was stern and void of all emotions. All but faith. He believed in God.

'These kids were wronged by the sinner soul. His brother, Eric lost his life due to this sinner soul. The witch who had now taken over a helpless old lady, may God be her judgement and the innocent's justice.' He thought.

Opening the ancient script, he had a holy water sprinkler held tight in his hands. "Repeat what I say." He ordered everyone and began reading.

"Spirit of our God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit," he said in an unearthly faith, his voice etched with power and command. His words vibrated through the silent rooms of the house.

Everyone repeated. Their voice overlapping Sebastian's echoes.

"Burn all the evil to ashes,"

Dora screamed in a young voice - dark and full of malice. Gabriela's voice.

"Banish them, perish them forever,"

The faint cries of silence now danced with the words of light and evil. Two forces fighting against each other.

The room smelled of ash and sun, love and betrayal, the eternal bliss and spine-chilling hate all together.

A mist formed around Dora's body. The straps that held her wrists were set deep into her skin covered in blood. The dark shadows around her formed shapes. Horrifying, disastrous, malevolent.

"As the night is driven away by sun;

"A weak force by a brave heart

"And malice away by love and faith;

"Oh lord, shine thee light on them."

Ears were ringing with Gabriela's cries but they repeated those words. Her soul burned with every word that spiked through. Her skin sizzled with every drop of holy water that was sprinkled.

The house had awakened. The evils that were tolerated, the innocent blood that was spilled, the injustice it suffered - everything was fighting the dark force. A storm against storm. A catastrophe over another.

And a spark of hope rattled through the onlookers. As the tables, chairs, crookery rattled around them, a sob burned up in their lungs. They might be free of the evil that's been haunting them so long.

Ander turned towards Claire who stood next to him. Her eyes were glued to Ander with a smile on her lips, not wide enough- just a hint of it. But it was more than enough for Ander to believe he hadn't lost yet. There was something for him to hold onto. And he will. Unless needed otherwise.

Sebastian poured every inch of his faith into his work as if he would see God himself appear before him and perish the evil.

A boom echoed from the farthest corner of the house. Ander and Claire's eyes widened - their heart rates were beating as one but now at a high speed. It wouldn't be surprising if their hearts jump out of their chest at this rate.

Oh, it was only the prologue - the start line where situation begins to get worse.

The lights went out first and a sea of darkness engulfed them.

Gabriela's screams died.

Silence clawed them; drowned them in fear.

And then it began.

Sebastian's shout for help or a warning to escape- it was muffled.

Rick was next. A scream, a thud, followed by silence.

Aria was last. She screamed and screamed. Whimpered. Squealed. Every sound higher than before. And then, it cut down completely.

Claire and Ander stood in darkness, their hands found each other's somehow. Ander held Claire's hold tight. He wasn't letting go.

A familiar voice ranged, "You started the party without me?"

Jake's voice. George's words.

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