Chapter 37

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"Maxwell come on. You need to do your school work. You can't just stay here forever. Have you even brushed your teeth? Or showered?" I looked at my mom and then back at Jessica.

"I brush my teeth everyday. Margaret brought me a toothbrush and toothpaste. I showered yesterday." I had stayed here by Jessica's side for 3 months now. The doctor said there has been no change. He still isn't sure if she will wake up or not. Everyone would come and visit. I just sat in a chair in a corner. I let them talk to her. It was May now. School was going to end. Katherine has been bringing in my school work. I would barely touch.

I couldn't focus. I was a lost soul wondering around. Hoping my other half would come back. Everyone has tried to get me to leave and go home, but I have made this room my home.

"Maxwell, do you think Jessica would want to see you like this?" I looked up at her and shook my head. "Then do what she would want you to do. She wouldn't want you to be here moping around. She would want you to live your life. Finish high school and wait for her."

"I can't leave her." I whispered.

"Maxwell you won't be leaving her because she will always be right here." She crouched down and placed her hand over my heart. I looked up at her and she gave me a smile and an encouraging nod. I got up and pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you. You have been so helpful and patient with me these past months. You have no idea how much that means to me. I love you mom." She held me tighter.

"I love you, too. I know your father and I don't show it much, but we really truly love you." She let go grabbed her stuff and walked out, closing the door behind her. I sighed before picking up all my stuff. I packed up the blankets and everything else I had brought to me. Everyone had brought Jessica flowers for the past months. She was just surrounded by them. I wonder what she was going through right now? Was she suffering? Was she okay? Was she fighting? I hope she gets better soon.



"Violet! Wait up! I haven't ran in years." I said panting. Violet giggled before running off again. The time I have spent here has been amazing and fun. I got to know Violet so much more. She was sort of a mini version of me. I guess that's why Reece and Violet got along so well.

"Jessie you are running out of time. If you stay here any longer you won't be able to go back."

"No, I don't want to go back. I like it here." I said crossing my arms over my chest. Violet sighed and shook her head.

"Let me show you what's happening right now." She grabbed my hand and took me to the lake. I looked in and just saw the water and a couple of fish. Violet swept her hand over the lake and I saw a hospital room.

"Whoa is that me right now?"

"Yes. You are in a comma and have been for the past 3 months."

"I've been here 3 months!" Violet nodded her head. Wow. It seemed as if I was here for only a couple of hours.

"Jessica, I'm leaving now, but I will come back and visit you. I've been here for the past 3 months never leaving your side, but my mother convinced me to go back to school. I really don't want to because you won't be there. Please come back to us. We all miss you so much."

"Maxwell." I whispered.

"He has been there in that hospital room waiting for you to wake up. He hasn't gone to school, he doesn't talk to anyone, and he rarely leaves the room. You need to go back. He's alone, and he needs you. You need to go back to him." I looked at Violet. She gave me a sad smile and nodded her head.

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