Chapter 17

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"What about this?" Kat asked pulling a dress of the hanger. We had been shopping for over an hour and I was exhausted! Kat wanted to find me the perfect dress for the party. We had already found my outfit for the date, but no luck for the party.

"No. Can we just go to another store now?" I asked with a pleading face on. She rolled her eyes, but nodded. Yes! Finally! I was tired of being in that store. We walked around more before settling on a little dress shop.

"Oooh! I like this one!" Kat yelled before running into the dressing room. I wonder what she found? I walked around a little more waiting for her to finish changing into the dress. "Jess come here!" I walked towards the changing room. I gasped. She looked gorgeous.

"Omg you look hot!" She had on a knee length dress. The top was a black sweetheart neckline and the bottom half was a light pink. She squealed and went back inside the dressing room. She was such a child sometimes.

"Do you need help ma'am?" I turned to see an older lady with a sweet smile on her face.

"I was looking for a dress for my birthday party this Friday. I'm not excactly sure what I am looking for." She nodded and made me twirl around. She nodded before heading into the back. She came out with a box in her hands.

"This dress will be perfect!" She went to the cash register and ringed it up. I went to take the lid off to see the dress, but she took it out of my reach. "Uh-uh not yet. You can't see it yet. Come back Thursday and I will give it to you." I nodded before getting Kat and paying for her dress as well.

"Did you find anything?" Kat asked as we were in the food court. I nodded.

"The lady found me something, but she didn't let me see it. She said I would have to come back Thursday and pick it up." Kat looked at me like I was crazy. I just shrugged and took a bite out of my pizza.


"Reece! Stop it! Give it back!" Reece chuckled before eating the last piece of Joey's homemade cake. I gasped before lunging at him. He squealed like a girl before falling to the ground. I got off of him and started laughing. "Oh, god! You should've seen your face!" I pointed at his scowling face. He huffed before going up to his room.

After shopping with Kat, I dropped her off and came home. Joey had made homemade marble cake and Reece had almost finished it all! I had attacked him and grabbed some before he took it away. Just as I was going to grab a poptart the doorbell rang. Ugh! Come on! I was about to eat food! Whoever you are, you better hope I don't tear your bloody head off!

"Look I was about to eat a delicious poptart before you interupted me, what do you have to say for yourself?" I heard a chuckle that sounded familiar. Oh crap, who are you? I looked up to see Maxwell laughing harder. I scowled and glared at him blushing.

"Okay, now that was quite interesting." He said chuckling.

"What do you want?" I snapped back. He stopped and put his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, sorry. Don't need to snap at me." He muttered.

"Look I don't have all day what do you need?" I asked crossing my arms across my chest tapping my foot.

"Oh, yeah, do you want to get started on this project that we have?" He asked.

"I thought I said we were gonna do it tomorrow?" He shrugged.

"I didn't have anything to do today."

"Okay, fine. We will work on some of it tonight we are almost done with it. We don't have much left. Come in." He nodded before walking in. I closed the door and led him to the living room. "I'll just go get my bag and I'll be back. If you need anything push that button right there." I said pointing to a button on the wall. "It leads to the kitchen." He nodded before sitting on the couch. This was going to be a long night.

Another update just for you lovelies! Sorry for any mistakes! You know the drill!

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