Chapter 15

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"So how's your school year so far?" Liam asked on our way to his house. Oh gosh this was so awkward. He was trying to create small talk. I have known Liam almost my whole life. Liam and Reece were always together. I didn't see him as much these days, but he was still a good friend.

"Oh come on don't start with this awkward small talk." I said while rolling my eyes. He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay I'll get straight to the point." He scratched the back of his neck, which I learned over the years meant that he was nervous. " was wondering if maybe...I don't know...if you wanted to go on a date with me?" I braked the car in the middle of road and turned to look at him. Was he serious? Did he really just ask me out? Before I could say anything a car behind us honked making me snap out of my thoughts and pull over.

"Wait, what?" I asked still not believing what he said. Was this some twisted dream? I kind of had a little crush on him over the years, so now that he actually asked me out I felt like this was some dream.

"Uh, I asked if you wanted to go out on a date?" I just stared at him. This was really happening! "I mean you don't have to if you don't want to. I don't want you to-"

"Yes!" I cut him off before he could say anything. "I mean, yes, I would love to go out on a date with you." His entire face lit up and he let of a sigh of relief before getting out of the car. I stared at him in confusion. I then looked around and saw that I had pulled over in front of his house. Well that was a coincidence.


"Kat, you won't believe what just happened!" I told Kat as I laid on my bed. I had gotten home and ran straight up to my room to tell Kat about my date with Liam.

"What? Did Ian Somerhalder come to you and ask you out?" I chuckled.

"I wish, but I did get a date!" I heard her squeal. I pulled the phone away from my ear while wincing. Gosh that girl was loud.

"Who? Who? Who?" She squealed.

"Stop squealing you are going to ruin my hearing and it was Liam freaking Knight!"

"Oh my gosh!!! Didn't you like have a crush on him since freshman year?" Of course she had to bring that up. During freshman year I had finally admitted that I might have had a crush on Liam. Kat had gone all crazy and was jumping all around. She had scared me during that time. She wouldn't shut up about it, so I blackmailed her.

"Shut up! Never ever bring that up! I already told you!" Ugh. "Anyways enough about that we need to go shopping before the party on Friday!" Maybe if I changed the subject she'll forget all about it.

"Ooh yes! And you can aslo get an outfit for your date!" Or not. Jeez, this girl was hard headed, but of course I knew this already.

"How about tomorrow after school?"

"Yes! I'll meet you by your car like always?"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Hopefully I could find something for Friday that I liked.

2 updates in one week! Thank you guys so much for everything! You guys make me love to write and try to update as much as possible! Sorry for any mistakes! You know the drill!

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